"Troopergate" report drops next week


New Member
so what!!! are you telling me the repubs didn't/wouldn't do the same thing??? neither party is doing anything new. troopergate "is" important. past behavior is a very good indicator of future behavior. what about the lies involving the bridge to nowhere? she tries to make us believe she stopped it, lie! she was for it and then against. she kept the taxpayer money for the bridge. it's common knowledge she is vindictive, petty and holds grudges against those who oppose her. i thought her debate performance was laughable. i didn't appreciate the "joe six-pac" comment, and the winking was the true mark of an amateur.
You Bet'cha!


Well-Known Member
Silky- Guess that means it is only BAD if the left does it........:roll: Not the action is bad, cuz the action is done my the right as well, but when THEY do it, it is ok cuz they are GOOD. The left is BAD, so when they do the exact same thing the right does, it suddenly becomes a BAD thing.

Perfect logic. (To a hypocrite.)

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
my post goes for any and all supposed public servants who abuse power. left, right, center, up and down, it don't matter where you stand. i'd feel the same about anyone who displays this type of behavior. is there anyone else in this campaign ignoring subpoenas and trying to quash investigations?????? if there are, fuck them too!!!!


Well-Known Member

The inquiry was launched following a unanimous bipartisan vote on July 28, and Governor Palin had initially said she and all state employees would co-operate.

However, since her unveiling as Senator McCain's running mate, Governor Palin and several members of her staff have refused to be questioned, with her campaign branding the probe as "partisan and tainted".

On Wednesday, a 25-page affidavit by Governor Palin's husband Todd revealed he had sought the dismissal of the state trooper at the centre of the case.