Trippy shit to watch while on shrooms lol


Well-Known Member
The weirdest funniest shit that came on tv while I was shroomin was snoop dogs Hood of Horrors, or something like that. Damn it was so hilarious I couldn't stop laughing. There's a scene where a dude is drinking a 40oz and he hears a spooky noise so he starts running. But when he runs, he drops his 40 and simultaneously slips and falls face first onto the 40. The mouth peice of the bottle impaled the guy through the skull, through his eyeball, full penetration! Shit was so funny I started dying, tears literally steaming down my face. True story:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
The weirdest funniest shit that came on tv while I was shroomin was snoop dogs Hood of Horrors, or something like that. Damn it was so hilarious I couldn't stop laughing. There's a scene where a dude is drinking a 40oz and he hears a spooky noise so he starts running. But when he runs, he drops his 40 and simultaneously slips and falls face first onto the 40. The mouth peice of the bottle impaled the guy through the skull, through his eyeball, full penetration! Shit was so funny I started dying, tears literally steaming down my face. True story:eyesmoke:
Lmao, I seem this on shrooms too!! Couple days ago i watched Prometheus on about 4g, shit was triipppyyy


Well-Known Member
The Hobbit was fun to watch on shrooms. I have played gears of war, madden, and CoD on shrooms and not had any problem with the gameplay bothering me but the eye-hand coordination part throwing me for a loop. I also kept yelling what I wanted to do instead of pressing the buttons.


Well-Known Member
Last time i tripped i tried playing Black Ops Zombies... it ended very, very badly. Worse trip i've ever had. Started hearing evil voices and seeing evil faces in the color visuals i was seeing. It was pretty scary.

Learned my lesson though, i can't watch violent video games or movies while tripping, i don't really understand that either, anyone else have that problem too?
you've just inspired me to one day buy a gamecube again and complete eternal darkness: sanity's requiem, high on shrooms. What a game.