Trimming leaves without infection? Help!


I've been trimming dead leaves with a sanitized Fiskar micro snip... however, one of my plants is infected with stem canker and I'm guessing it got through one of the open wounds in the plant. Now, I've looked around the internet but I can't find any conclusive information to my question.

What's the most appropriate way to trim leaves off cannabis plants WITHOUT risking infection? Should I wipe with H202 to the fresh cut to sanitize? Please someone link me to a proper guide or offer a good explanation on the best way to trim your plants without risking ANY sort of infection.

I have bottom leaves dying due to past salt build ups, but the petioles fall off right from where they connect to the main stem (which I hear is bad from Ed Rosenthal)... so what's the best way to go about trimming your cannabis plant (removing dead leaves) WITHOUT risking infection to the open wounds?


Sector 5 Moderator
I think using cotton balls and some H2O2 would be perfect. I'm not sure removing necrotic leaves is actually harmful; it's a natural thing and the life force is cut off to the leaf that the stem is sacrificing.


Well-Known Member
I simply snap them off where the stems meet the branch by hand. They will be almost effortless when ready.

when using cutting tools if you want to wipe the blade with alcohol it will do the trick.