Trimming buds before drying disturbs the flavors & the natural leaching processes?

Does trimming before drying alter the cure and/or aroma?

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cannabis love

Well-Known Member
I've read many posts by growers saying that trimming your buds before you dry them disturbs the flavors and the natural leaching/curing processes? What is the consensus? I'm curious as it does sound plausible.

Edit: <strike>natural</strike>


Well-Known Member
No science behind this just a personal opinion but I will have to say that I do believe this. Had to much outdoor this year to trim all at once so I had to dry about 1/4 of it before trimming cause my wife and I just couldnt get it done. Anyway... I have noticed that the stuff the got trimmed after drying as opposed to before did indeed have a stronge aroma /flavor. Not necessarily more potent but I do think it tastes and smells better. I'm interested to hear other opinions.

cannabis love

Well-Known Member
Via PM:
I am not saying it does or does not make an appreciable difference, but think about what your question was about. "the natural leaching/curing processes" Cannabis plants have a singular purpose, to make seeds so the species survives. Nothing it naturally does at the end of it's life is to enhance it's flavor or it's high.

I understand what you meant. That between harvesting plants and the end of a curing period a process occurs and altering certain things, as in when trimming is performed, could alter that process. But it wouldn't really be a natural process being altered since by the time a plant in the wild would be to a point to do that it would simply be dieing and not putting any 'effort' into doing anything to alter or better itself.
Thank you for the correction :)


Active Member
Yes. You see, those aroma glands in the bud get bruised and damaged when you trim wet(that's why I initially only trim the big fan leaves not touching anything but not those ones at the bottom of a bud). I don't think it has anything to potency, but it could. It definitely effects the smell and I think, the taste. You may still get the herb's smell if you trim wet, it just won't be as strong(or complex) and you'll probably go through a grass phase.
Wow!! I would love to get more input on this topic. Being that I only grow two strains - Bubba Kush & Hindu Kush, I have noticed that the Bubba Kush that I grow is very dense(lots of little leaves in the bud) and the Hindu Kush that I have been running is quite airy. For some reason the Bubba Kush has a much stronger aroma and flavor than the Hindu. What I'm getting at is, the more leaf material I have, the more flavor. Just my personal opinion. But on the other hand I was taught to trim before drying, makes the process much easier. In which it does. But in conclusion, I don't really know if trimming before or after drying gives you the best results. Just wanted to drop some of my experiences in.
So you say leave the Leafs? I'm near harvest and caught between the two... Thinking of experimenting with leaving the leafs. But hate the extra work when leaf's are flimsy and much harder to cut and trim...


Active Member
You probably will get more smell and flavor this way but trimming semi dry buds sucks. It takes much longer to do and if you like well manicured buds, it's much more of a pain in the ass to do correctly. IMO, It's certainly worth a try with a small amount but don't do it to your whole crop until you see how you like it.


Well-Known Member
Yes. You see, those aroma glands in the bud get bruised and damaged when you trim wet(that's why I initially only trim the big fan leaves not touching anything but not those ones at the bottom of a bud). I don't think it has anything to potency, but it could. It definitely effects the smell and I think, the taste. You may still get the herb's smell if you trim wet, it just won't be as strong(or complex) and you'll probably go through a grass phase.
I trim wet. I try to hold by the stem only and spin as I trim. Damaging a few triches is inevitable. High drying temps can destroy some terpenes and that effects the smell. Trimming wet is easier I think but potency is determined by genetics, good growing practices and a proper dry/cure.
Edit: I pushed the wrong button. I meant to say no but accidentally pushed: I'd have to kill ya.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
I've done it both ways. I prefer to manicure AFTER drying...does seem to taste, smell noticably better.

Part of the reason is that it slows dry time. Moisture escapes fastest where there is a fresh cut..stalk,stem or leaf.


Well-Known Member
You probably will get more smell and flavor this way but trimming semi dry buds sucks. It takes much longer to do and if you like well manicured buds, it's much more of a pain in the ass to do correctly. IMO, It's certainly worth a try with a small amount but don't do it to your whole crop until you see how you like it.
You beat me to it, took over twice the amount of time and I need very fine scissors to trim semi/dry....won't be doing it again unless I have to.

cannabis love

Well-Known Member
Well, I'll give it the 'ol college try and see for myself. I'll be sure to post my impressions here, and am glad to hear yours as well - I hope we can get everyone to weigh in on this topic!