Trichomes on leaves vs buds?


Active Member
I've gone through a numbe of cycles, but after my first I gave up with the trichomes as harvest indicators because I felt things were fairly obvious from a whole plant view of "ripeness"; that said, I've always wondered, does one look at the trichomes on the buds, or on the leaves? The leaves change first, obviously, so it would make a difference.


bud bootlegger
I've gone through a numbe of cycles, but after my first I gave up with the trichomes as harvest indicators because I felt things were fairly obvious from a whole plant view of "ripeness"; that said, I've always wondered, does one look at the trichomes on the buds, or on the leaves? The leaves change first, obviously, so it would make a difference.
you said it yourself, leaves change first, so why would you or anyone go by them??

and i agree, i don't simply just look at trics and not read the entire plant when i decide to chop.. ime, the plant will take on a different color, and will simply scream done and it'll let you know when to chop..
i look to look for things like receded pistils, swollen calyxes, foxtailing, color of plant, and lastly color of trics..