Top44 Indoor Grow With 250watt CFL


Well-Known Member
Ok guys were now into week 5 of veg growth, 5 days since i topped the plants and we are looking just great. All plants seem to have recovered from being topped, and now are growing 2 main cola's like a treat.

Ive added some more pics for you guys to look at please let me know what you all think??/



Well-Known Member
Ok guys i have been a busy bee today, ive been out shopping for materials for transplanting as my plants were out growing there 7.5ltr pots. I have now put them into 15ltr square pots now with clay pebbles at the bottom for drainage and watered very well with ph 5.9 water with 1/2 strength nutes. I am inducing flower from today so lights will now go on 12 on / 12 off light cycle. My plants are nearly 6 weeks old and 12" tall and still dont see signs of sex so instead of waiting for pre-flowers i am going to flower them now. All plants are 11 / 12" tall so should be a nice size once ready to harvest (i think). i also purchased another 250 watt 27000k cfl light so i now have a total of 500 watt 27000k for flowering. with a total of 49000 lumens. i have added some pics



Well-Known Member
Ok my plants have been in flowering for 2 days now and 3 of the plants have shown me that they are female, there are 2 males (i think) but will wait a few more days to be sure. and the other 4 plants are not showing signs of sex just yet but fingers x they will be femal. that would make 7 females out of 10 seeds, that would be great. my battery on my camera is dead at the mo i will charge it later and add some more pics.


Well-Known Member
Ok guys i am proberly the most happy man in the world at the moment. I have just borrowed a friends magnify glass and had a close look at all my plants, and i can confirm 7 females and only 2 males woop woop. i am happy as hell right now....

I planted 10 seeds from nirvana (not feminised) and i only got 2 males, you might be asking why do i only have 9 plants if i planted 10 seeds?? well my friend found my plants so i gave him a plant to keep hes mouth shut, im yet to see what sex hes plants is would be great if that was also female. i hope these babys bud like hell.. wish me luck guys


Well-Known Member
hope u trust your "friend" ur going to save a male and do a seed run right?...they are looking happy, this is going to be a good grow....


Active Member
Hey whats up NeverStoned, Im just checkn in to see how things are going, Way to go!!! Thats a good break, seeing you didnt get FemD seeds congratz on that. I do hope you plan on keeping a mother so you wont have to play the seed game. Just another option to consider since you are at this point right now. Best of wishes to you and your Girls, I will be watchn

Much Respects


Well-Known Member
i got the bulbs from my local grow shop for £50 each, i did buy some same wattage bulbs from ebay but they were nowhere near as bright (cheap copys). these bulbs are called (powerplant) they are just great bulbs are a little on the large size so i have to fix them to the reflector using garden wire or the bulb just hangs down. ive been running the bulbs now for 6 weeks and i have not seen any change in my electricity meter. all i did was changed all the other bulbs in my house from 100 watt down to 60 watt. so i changed 7 bulbs so that gave me 240 watt spear. its easy


Active Member
you attach wire to the bulb? My 200w CFL does the same but i raised the front of my reflector an inch to make up for it..


Well-Known Member
But by raising your reflector up to level the bulb you are just defeating the object,,,, as the end where you have raised the reflector the light is not going to be as tense as the rest. just make 2 small holes in the reflector 1 either side of the buld and fasten it with wire. it will give you better results


Well-Known Member
Ok.. so my plants are really starting to bush out now, as this is my first ever indoor grow i could do with some advice please...

Ok so my plants have been in flower for 5 days now and what i am seeing is loads and loads of pre-flowers all over the plants (bud sites with white wisky hairs). can you tell me roughly how long it takes plants to start forming buds under indoor lights?? i am asuming it will be different to outdoor??. all help is much appreciated guys. many thanks in advance. some new pics added



Active Member
It will take some time, usually a good rule of thumb is this: Indica's usually pack on the buds the 4th-6th week, Sativa's usually 6th-8th weeks.
Hope that helps? I am watching, my wonder woman I am growing has top 44 in it, I know its top 44 with some type of skunk cross.


Well-Known Member
Ok guys quick update...

I took my plants out of their room today so i can water, as i dont have much room to water the plants in their flower room, ive put all the plants together for a group shot (smile)


i am really intrigued to use CFLs now these really do look great. especially so little wattage for that many... to think i was going to use hps i think i will try this set up.

you got any tips to yield more with maybe 2 of these suckers?


Well-Known Member
I am now using 2 of these lights myself now as 1 light was not enough light for 6 plants. so i now have a total of 500watt of CFL putting out a total of 48000 lumens, each plants is getting 8000 lumens which is just under the recmended amount of lumens for a perfect grow. so 2 of these CFL lights will be spot on for 5 plants in a square meter grow box. And as these lights let of next to no heat i dont have to spend extra money on fans ect. i just use 1 6 inch pc fan for inlet and 1 6 inch pc fan for outlet , simples.... As i am aware that the yeild will not be as near as HPS bulbs will give me but i will settle for 1 oz per plant :eyesmoke:. And let me tell you that 500 watt of CFL light does not use nowhere near as much power as 500 watt of sodium. my lights are costing me an extra £4 / $7 a month


Well-Known Member
Ok the pics i uploaded today just above this post are 1 week into flower and 41 days from seed. i was going to wait for the plants to veg for 6 weeks but they would of got to big i think so i just flowered them soon as the reached 12 inchs