

Well-Known Member
yeah, but what's it look like? how's it different from a geltab or a blotter paper? I've done both of those, and one time as liquid mixed with kool aid.


Well-Known Member
Oh. pills. why didn't you just say so? how would I put a chemical salt/powder into pill form? can this be done with quantities as small as, say 10 mg?


Well-Known Member
Pearl Jam!! thats the other headliner. along with kanye west if you're into that stuff. I'm for sure going. My Morning Jacket is playing an all night show.


Active Member
saw Tool earlier last year, front row center to it, while stoned out of my mind.

with all the laser lights right in front of me and the alex grey art going on on the screens in the background, gotta say it was honestly one of the best experiences of my life. fuckin' otherworldly.