Took out the hps! Bought 2 cfls single 27watts 2 4ft t5 54watt 17watt grow lite PIX!!


Active Member
Im vegging, so I took out the hps. hps made it hot in there plants were dying etc. so im moving the hps to the bedroom or closet not sure yet. I bit the bullet and invested more cash. I bought 2 singe cfl 27watt puts out 100watt each 5000k, I put those in the back with those two sick plants, im guessing they got like that cuz they were pushed all the way in the back. those burnt leafs arent from the current single cfls *I just installed them*. I also bought two single 4ft t5 54watts 6500k:clap:. I hung one of them, waiting for my friend to bring tools to mount the other one. each t5 was 40 bucks. the single cfls cost me 20 bucks for both the bulbs and the hoods. Is this enough light???

As for watering I put 600ml in the first three days. 200ml each day times three day = 600ml . the water never ran down the plate at the bottom of the pot. its still kinda moist when I put my finger 3 inches in. Im going to let it dry up and keep a good eye when it dries. Should I then pour reg water ph 6.5 until the whole pot gets wet and let it run down the drain holes of the pot? then let it full dry and repeat the process?? thank you guys!~

FOXFARM ocean forest temp 73 deegrees 35% humid, average temp is 77 degrees. I put 1/4 for foxfarm grow big. big mistake lol, Im not going to put nutes until another 2 weeks.

any ideas on how I should mount my light would be helpful!! thank u guys!

those leafs were like that before I installed those single cfl's Which I just installed like 10 mins ago.
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Active Member
Im going to move that 17watt grow light to the other side, where the t5 is hitting three plants on the side. since those cfls should work for those two plants in the back


I don't know man... I would do the math on light output of what you are working with now vs. what you would be getting out of the hps. And I would do a full watering until it runs off and then let them dry out before even thinking about watering again.
ive seen 3 plants fighting for light under 125w cfl. the tallest was 9" the smallest was 6" and had leafs wilting and falling off due to lack of light. good luck with your grow tho.


Active Member
CIMG0061.jpgCIMG0061.jpgCIMG0062.jpgCIMG0063.jpgCIMG0064.jpgCIMG0065.jpgCIMG0066.jpgThese plants are looking like this due to bad light , I had the 17w grow light on only, until I decided to buy all this. today. I might need to replace the light bulbs as u say +rep COWAsaki with real watts cfl's which ones do you prefer? I now moved all the lighting again, so it looks like all are getting good light. I will hang the t5 thats on the side tomorrow for better lighting +rep all
if your referring to me.. then yeah, hydrofarm 125 watt 6500k cfl. Although not very compact compared to the felix 125 watter


I would DIY some reflectors for your T5. Get all of its wonderful light shining down on those kids. And hell, while you are getting crafty, you could make some reflectors for your CFL's if you so desired. Checkout youtube for CFL grow light projects. Lot of creative stuff out there. Hey bro, Its going to work no matter what you do (don't be too liberal with that statement), they are going to grow under what you are working with. Its just how long its going to take to see the growth you really want to see.


Active Member
ty boob, I took the clear cover off the cheap grow light gives out a lot more light, should i do the same with the t5's? they also have plastic clear covers


Yo, and just something to keep in mind is that flouros have a gradient in the power output , more light in the middle with less toward the ends. One way you can deal with this prob is crop rotation so everyone gets their fair share of suckling on the teat of the gods.

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
I've had to fore go HID for wiring reasons. But I'm having great success with 209 watts, (actual) of CFL.
I started my 2011 outdoor grow on Dec. 27. Here's 25 days from seed:
The last pic is my "Germination Station" with 99 cent hood
made from windshield sun blocker.
Good luck & good grow.......BB bongsmilie



Active Member
That's a lot better! You'll notice a difference in health. The building reflectors for your lights is a great idea. (FORGET THE HPS...they are too young at the moment.)

As for watering...yeah water til it leaks form the bottom then let them dry out. Its better to under water than to over water.


Active Member
added two more clones in cups. x-13 If i remember correct lol forgot the strain already. fun day in LA i had to make a little veg box in the car lmao, and they lived!!! who knows what the watts were lol. it was in the glove box.


Well-Known Member
you should go to the store and get emergency blankets that are made out of mylar. That will reflect all the light you have because it looks like its not reflecting off the walls.