

Active Member
So I got a hold of 2c-T-7. This one I have yet to try. Thought I'd ask if anyone has given this one a go?

If you have had the opportunity to try 2c-t-7 , what were some of your highlights and/or troubled moments?

Curious cause it sounds like a winner.:joint:


New Member
I Snorted A Nice 35mg Line Of This Once And Saw Some Amazing Visuals After About 5 Minutes. Brilliant Colors. LSD-like Colors. Lasted About 6 Hours All Together.


Active Member
I Snorted A Nice 35mg Line Of This Once And Saw Some Amazing Visuals After About 5 Minutes. Brilliant Colors. LSD-like Colors. Lasted About 6 Hours All Together.
You are lying. You probably would have had a horrible trip filled with disorientation and anger, or been dead.

Don't listen to this guy. NEVER snort more than 20mg of 2c-t-7. In fact, I wouldn't recommend snorting it at all.


New Member
I Bet You'd Say Never Do More Than 200 Mg Of TMFPP But I've Done More Than Half A Gram At Once. .0015th More Of A Gram Cant Be That Bad My Friend. ;-)


Oracle of Hallucinogens
You are lying. You probably would have had a horrible trip filled with disorientation and anger, or been dead.

Don't listen to this guy. NEVER snort more than 20mg of 2c-t-7. In fact, I wouldn't recommend snorting it at all.
hahaha good thing 'strangers' are stupid. You should apologize to ganjaglutin as he is far more knowledgeable than you (especially in this department), as well as you being fully incorrect.

Oral 2C-T-7 Dosages:
Threshold 3 - 5 mg
Light 10 - 20 mg
Common 15 - 30 mg
Strong 10 - 50 mg
Heavy 25 - 60 mg

Or is Erowid lying also?



Active Member
hahaha good thing 'strangers' are stupid. You should apologize to ganjaglutin as he is far more knowledgeable than you (especially in this department), as well as you being fully incorrect.

Oral 2C-T-7 Dosages:
Threshold 3 - 5 mg
Light 10 - 20 mg
Common 15 - 30 mg
Strong 10 - 50 mg
Heavy 25 - 60 mg

Or is Erowid lying also?

Scroll down a little next time before you shoot your mouth off.

There have been 2 reported deaths because of that dose. 35mg isn't even on the insufflation scale.

Ignorance can kill.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I am aware that he stated 35mg insufflated, not oral. I read your whole post over a couple times before I made my responce... Yeah two people died from a relatively high dose, be cautious, but that's not to say you can not take a higher dose or build up to a higher dose.. all I'm sayin bro.


New Member
Peu4000, I Had A Friend That Did 40mg And He Said It Was The Closest Thing To Acid That He Has Ever Experienced And I Was With Him When He Did It. I Understand 35mg May Seem Like An Extremely High Dose But In Reality What I Experienced Wasn't All That Extreme. I Felt Perfectly Fine. There Really Hasn't Been All That Much Scientific Research Into The LD50 And Such On 2c-t-7. I Also Believe That Two Out Of The Three Deaths On 2c-t-7 Were In Conjuction With Other Rather Heavy Drugs.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Also to take into consideration.. how many thousands of people have tried this substance? Two deaths isn't all that high for a drug that has so little scientific research, I mean tobacco is heavily researched and ~750,000 people die a year from its abuse.


New Member
Something That's Always Pissed Me Off About Tobacco. I Could Care Less If Someone Smokes It, That's There Choice. But Doesn't It's Effects Fit Perfectly In Schedule 1? :-|


Active Member
haha damn straight.
I have never heard of some one dying directly from smoking cigarettes.

I understand that people's body chemistry is different.

I'm sorry I said that you were lying, what I should have said, is that that high of an insufflated dose is not recommended. It can lead to death.


New Member
Dangerous? Possibly. Most Likely. But They'res Not Alot Of Research Into It. We Can't Truely Know.I Know That 35mg Wasn't That Damaging To Me.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
it is a psychedelic phenethylamine (a.k.a 2,5-dimethoxy-4-(n)-propylthiophenethylamine)
It is one of the few 2C-X's that are currently controlled (as it is a Schedule I substance in the USA). What more do ya need to know? :-D


Active Member
hahaha good thing 'strangers' are stupid. You should apologize to ganjaglutin as he is far more knowledgeable than you (especially in this department), as well as you being fully incorrect.

Oral 2C-T-7 Dosages:
Threshold 3 - 5 mg
Light 10 - 20 mg
Common 15 - 30 mg
Strong 10 - 50 mg
Heavy 25 - 60 mg

Or is Erowid lying also?

jackass.. more. Sorry to come down on you shep but Ganjaglutin was not giving me healthy advice period.

Ganjaglutin is a lil butt hurt from another thread where I called him out for being arrogant and that got some sand in his vagina.

He tries too hard to be the crowd pleaser but when he gets called out his passive aggressive agendas come to light. 'the almighty knower of trips'....ok glutin.

SNORTING 2c-T-7 is not the safest way to take the drug. Especially 35mg.

Insufflated / Nasal
Insufflating 2C-T-7 has lead to at least 2 deaths and seems to lead to increased body load and negative effects in many people. Because dosage between users varies so wildly, it is dangerous for first time users to snort more than a few milligrams because people have had dissociated, overwhelming experiences on as little as 6mg insufflated. It is imperative that dosed be measured using a milligram scale for accuracy.

Insufflated 2C-T-7 Dosages
Threshold 1 - 3 mg
Light2 - 10 mg
Common5 - 15 mg
Strong5 - 20 mg
Heavy7 - 25 + mg
Fatality 1~ 35 mg
Fatality 2~30 -35 mg

Onset : 20 - 90 minutes (depending on form and stomach contents)
Duration : 2 - 5 hours
Normal After Effects : 2 - 4 hours

One of the first reported tragedies occurred at the end of August 2000 in Europe, and was posted to the Lycaeum on September 1, 2000. Three people got together and tried 2C-T-7. One took it orally, while the other two each insufflated 25mg, an unusually large dose when taken by this route. Three hours later one of the people who had snorted it began behaving strangely. He became somewhat delirious, unable to understand anything when spoken to, and repeating the same few sentences over and over again. Starting at 5 hours after snorting it, he began repeating action sequences. According to a witness, "first he would ask if he can wash is face, no matter what he got as an answer, he'd go splash water on his face, then sit down and ask for a cigarette, get up and ask if he can wash his face... and so on ...This lasted for hours." Eventually this stopped, but he kept speaking of strange things. According to the witness, "he told us about places underground where he lived and was a horrible centipede." Even at the eight hour point he is complaining about animals living in the walls and floor that wanted to eat him. The next morning, at the 16 hour point, he was still tripping. The other two people went to work, and when they came home later they found their friend in the bath tub with both wrists slit, and deep cuts up and down his harms. They called an ambulance, and the man was saved. When asked about it later, the man said he could not remember anything about what had happened. The most probable explanation here is that the person has an underlying mental condition which was triggered by taking an enormous dose of a powerful psychedelic drug.
Jake Duroy had taken 2C-T-7 one occasion before, in July 2000, when he insufflated 15mg. He had no unusual reactions to it that time. Mr. Duroy was 20 years old, approximately 170 pounds, having no known medical conditions other than asthma [Erowid Note: we have received more recent information stating that Jake did not, in fact, have asthma] and was in good health, being a member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes active in many sports. Jake was not taking any medications at the time of his death, and the only other drug he had used recently was some marijuana the night before his death.
On October 15, 2000, Jake Duroy and a group of friends got together at a house on the 1200 block of Dakota to take some 2C-T-7. Along with one other person, Mr. Duroy snorted a massive 35mg of the drug. Three other people present took lower doses orally.

Within twenty minutes of taking the 2C-T-7, Mr. Duroy became agitated and frightened, and complained of being cold. He began talking about "evil spirits" being in the room, and decided to retreat to a corner of the room to lie down and try to get warm with a blanket. He remained within sight of his friends, who were somewhat concerned about his agitated state. Other than some vomiting, which is a fairly common side effect, he seemed physically fine at this point. The other person who had snorted 35mg experienced similar symptoms, though milder. This person took a Rohypnol tablet and within an hour was asleep, having no further complications and little memory of the experience. At around ninety minutes after taking the drug, Mr. Duroy began to have convulsions, and began simultaneously vomiting and bleeding heavily from the nose.

When his friends realized Mr. Duroy was in trouble, they called a friend to come help them. They put him in the car to drive to the hospital. On the way to the hospital, they had to stop at a railroad crossing to wait for a passing train. They noticed Mr. Duroy had stopped breathing several times and tried to clear his airway. Had they instead called for an ambulance, perhaps this tragedy could have had a happier ending, as the hospital is only a five minute drive from the house where it happened. One can only speculate why they did not, but it seems likely it was out of fear. Some of the people present had been arrested on drug charges a few months earlier, and were afraid of what might happen if police came to the house. In this regard we can say that the War on Drugs played a very big role in the death of Jake Duroy and that in a country with more enlightened drug laws, Jake Duroy might not have died. On the other hand, when a life is at stake, such concerns need to take a back seat, and it is my opinion that not calling 911 in a situation like this can only be described as criminally negligent.

According to Norman police detective Don Blake, Mr. Duroy was brought into the emergency room at the Norman Regional Hospital at 2:20PM in full cardiac arrest, having died in the car on the way to the hospital. Police began investigating the incident, telling the local newspaper The Norman Transcript that they suspected the death was due to "some kind of designer drug." It was reported an autopsy determined that the cause of death was cardiac arrest brought on by choking on vomit.

[Editors Note: The final version of the coroner's report found that there was in fact no evidence of vomit aspiration. For further details on this death, please see]

Just a reminder to you all. RESEARCH CHEMICALS are called research for a reason.

Had I taken Ganjaglutin's advice you all may have been reading some headlines about me and my evil drug doings in the media.

Way to help the scene grow into a better place Ganjaglutin.