Too Hot Need Help Please (1000 watt closet)

Hi all I have recently moved west and decided to do my own thing now that I can. I have a 8x5 walk in closet with one 1000 watt hps. I messed up by gettin an open wing reflector but have no choice except to use it now. I have a 4 inch inline goin to the attic and a reg window fan bringin semi cold air in from the crawl space near the floor in the back. I also have a 30 inch utility fan in there blowing across the light towards the exhaust in the cieling. Sorry for no pics but I hope u understand my setup. My temps r at about 85 most of the time but the seedling still seem to be getting mildly burnt and soil is dryin. PLEASE help with suggestions ideas maybe a mini ac unit or somethin with low wattage


Active Member
Ac units never have low wattage from my experience 85 isn't terrible it's definaltely not ideal though it shouldn't burn your leaves though raise the lamp too at least 18 inches from cannopy make sure u got good air circulation and u will b ok IMO
Right now the light is 3 feet above them because they r only 4 dayts old nd I don't wanna shock em. Also I'm lookin for a way to fix this without gettin a new hood or new fan. Maybe a portable ac or something

captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member
get an air cooled hood. way cheaper than the ac, plus you can drop them right on the plants since the radiant heat is contained and swept away up to your attic. you can use your same gear, just different hood.


Active Member
get an air cooled hood. way cheaper than the ac, plus you can drop them right on the plants since the radiant heat is contained and swept away up to your attic. you can use your same gear, just different hood.
I agree with getting an air cooled hood... in the mean time, if there is any way you can add CO2 it would help...plants can tolerate heat better with added CO2. Even if it's some homemade brew, it could help.


Active Member
air cooled reflector man, cheaper than an AC in initial cost, and no reoccurring costs (AC uses power). i dont know if your able to install ducting in your tent, maybe thats why you went open air from the jump... but your other solution is to keep the air moving, add some co2 to the mix and water more frequently. im not saying drench em all the time, but the added air movement and heat will evaporate your water faster... might wanna check on the RH as well with temps reaching the mid 80... i dont know what strains your running but mold could become an issue. good luck man hopefully you find an easy solution!