Tomorrowland 2013


Well-Known Member
So July 26 through 28th of this year I will be making a pilgrimage to belgium for an international celebration of the possibilities of the world we live in

This is more than a festival, this is truly a lifetime experience if there even really is life after tomorrowland. I'm going and anyone is welcome to meet me there though I doubt you will lol

skip to 1 minute, lame intro


Well-Known Member
Holy shit! I totally wanna go!
If you do it will be the best thing you ever did, these festivals are what I live for, you can also catch me at ultra in Miami this year for shm's last show ever and ever edc in Vegas, e forest in mi and e zoo again in Manhattan, I've got a packed schedule this year


Well-Known Member
This is just the be all end all as far as the international festival scene goes and I may coordinate it with a stop in ibiza Spain if I can afford it


Active Member
Holy shit! And I thought the Gathering was a big festival! I'm going. Screw that. I'm definitely fucking going to Tomorrowland next year! That shit is off the hook! And I love me some dubstep. :hump: