TODAY IS THE DAY!! Quick question...

Finally... today is chop day. I'll be cutting down my one plant today. Grown from bagseed in soil with ~250 watts of CFL. She ended up getting pretty freakin big and the buds look real tasty, which is surprising because the seed came from some stuff that was really not that great.

Question though -once I chop her and trim the buds, what's the best way to hang her up? I was thinking I would get some of those black binder clips and hang the buds on clothesline in the flower box. I would keep the exhaust fans running so she gets some airflow. What do you think?


bud bootlegger
thats pretty much the way i dried my first grow.. just make sure to keep an eye on the rh, but with the exhaust running, it should be fine... some people say let them hang till the stem snaps instead of bend, i find that to be a il too dry for my curing style.. i like to jar them a lil sooner and just keep an eye on them and leave the lids off a few days in jars instead, but whatever works for you..
congrats on the harvest.. nothing like smoking your own bud...

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I always cut the branches so that there is a bud or shoot at the end to hang on the string. No clips needed.


Well-Known Member
shouldnt you trim a lil sum sum before hangin it up?
i dont know, im only one week into bloom with my first plant so.
hope your shit turns out stanky and sweet! :)


New Member
My first grow I twisted pipecleaners together, twisted each end around a full gallon milk jug, and put the jugs on top of a stack of old textbooks so the buds wouldn't touch the ground. Was really ghetto and worked surprisingly well. Now I have string for my next harvest.

green thumb115

Well-Known Member
congrats man!...yea that sounds like a pritty good plan..when i did mine i let it dry for about 5 days then i put it in jars for about 12 hours, then took um out for another 6...repeated the proses bout 3-4 times buds turned out pritty damn good!


Well-Known Member
I like to trim my buds at least a day before harvest. That way the plant can throw some more trichomes after you break them while handling. Or something.

Anyhow, I like to hang it upside down while manicuring the buds and leave it there to dry.

I don't mind curing for a few weeks but to speed things up (without comprimising the quality) you could put a thin layer of branches or buds on a lying flat paper bag.
It will take 3-4 days and would cure more in the proccess of drying, so the curing period would get a head start.


Well-Known Member
the clips work well, but for variety, often you can just hang a stalk on a small side branch, no clips at all, just need a line to hang them on (I use upholstery thread).

Another thing I have used when the buds were shaped in a way that they were hard to hang is to use needle and thread and put the thread through a stem (works really well if you don't have enough stem left to use a clip). Only real drawback to threading them up with a needle like this is that you can't easily pull them off to look while it's drying, have to leave them hanging :)