To smuggle or not to Smuggle


Active Member
See how many people have been to the Dam? i have been once this year and going back another 2 times because its easy and cheap from where i am ferry cost £55 pound but smuggling amsterdams finest is easy as i mean no dogs or anything at the secruity at the ferry port just a few men that pick random people.

But a friend of myn said to me when you go over how easy would it be to get a magazine get some of that fantastic squidgy black hash (because some cafes have it as flat as possable ) put about say 10 of these between the middle of the magazine go to the post office send it back to your home address sounds good but does anybody think this is risky or would not work and why?


Well-Known Member
International drug smuggling is rarely a good idea. Talking about International drug smuggling is never a good idea.


Active Member
yeah ano but the past times i have been to amsterdam i have brought back few bags of weed my mother either brought some white widow back and tht was through the customs at the ferry port so i was thinking through post shouldnt be to hard and if x ray was the problem i her either lead or carbon paper cant be seen through


Well-Known Member
just roll up th hash into a piece of shit shape:mrgreen:

then stick it up your ass. if cops say "hey!!! whats in your ass?" you shit it out part of the way and say "what do you think asshole!!!" "its shit for cryin out loud!!!" :mrgreen:

"is it cool for me to have poo in my ass these days or is that against the law now too!??"

then they be like "hey, hey, hey man, take it easy!!" "im just doin my job!"

"ok, boys let'em through"

no actually here the best way if you want full proof, just have a bottle of water with you and carry that shit in your mouth in swallowable chunks

if you need to abort just chugg those babies down with the water and make sure you get home within 1hour:shock:
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Well-Known Member
See how many people have been to the Dam? i have been once this year and going back another 2 times because its easy and cheap from where i am ferry cost £55 pound but smuggling amsterdams finest is easy as i mean no dogs or anything at the secruity at the ferry port just a few men that pick random people.

But a friend of myn said to me when you go over how easy would it be to get a magazine get some of that fantastic squidgy black hash (because some cafes have it as flat as possable ) put about say 10 of these between the middle of the magazine go to the post office send it back to your home address sounds good but does anybody think this is risky or would not work and why?
send it by post, thatll work for sure...
countries are checking more for stuff coming IN and less for going out, so youll be fine.

my answer... to smuggle.