To Prune of Not


Well-Known Member
Thousands. Not me. But if you're asking if it works that way, it does. I would recommend bending or Low Stress Training, however. Pruning outdoors often diminishes harvest Way more than people would hope for while they're doing it.


Active Member
All I do is trim the lower dead or brown indica leaves to let more air flow, the sativas can be cropped with out problem. Indicas are not supposed to be topped at all.


Well-Known Member
I do, even with indicas as long as u veg them long enough after its fine . But do consider a SCRoG if you're looking for compact high yielding grows .
I did a scrog grow about 15 years ago using wire over the plants to keep them down, unfortunately they were in my yard and I got busted............They really looked good with the buds coming thru each hole in the wire