To early to smoke a sample


Active Member
Well tonight I vaped the last of my stash, and I've been telling myself no more paying for bud. However my micro SOG is only 6.5wk into flowering. The buds are small but frosty. So I have the following questions:

1. If I were to take a few sample bud will they have any potency, as only about 10% of the hairs have turned orange.

2. If I cut off some of the smaller buds would it increase production to the main cola?

3. Would this have any ill effects to my planets?

They were given ph water they last two feedings as I had some nute burn, then resulted in over watering.

One of my planets that has the more resin as nute burn on its main cola at the tip. Could this hurt the plant in the long run or will it correct itself?



Active Member
well look like its another $40 worth of commerc. Should last me for 3 weeks if I stretch it out. I plan on waiting 3 weeks for the first plant to cut. That will be a total of 9 weeks and feedling ph water only after next week. Since I have 5 Sog plants but in at same time. I'll cut down 1 or 2, wait another week and 1-2 more, and then a third week.

This will hopefully give me 5-7g a week for three wee and allow me to determine the best time to harvest to my perferred high. I have a perpet, Dr. bud grow goinging and have 6 others about a month behind.



Well-Known Member
Well tonight I vaped the last of my stash, and I've been telling myself no more paying for bud. However my micro SOG is only 6.5wk into flowering. The buds are small but frosty. So I have the following questions:

1. If I were to take a few sample bud will they have any potency, as only about 10% of the hairs have turned orange.

3. Would this have any ill effects to my planets?

One of my planets that has the more resin as nute burn on its main cola at the tip. Could this hurt the plant in the long run or will it correct itself?
leave it be it wont be nothing on the finished product if you smoke it now.... meaning what a waste

lol nah man i beg to differ if everyone had a plant or 12 itd really be good for the planet i reckon.. "thonk of aall the good things itd do... raise oxygen levels reduce co2, oil, food, clothing all the other variables..

lol sorry i couldnt help maself

but seriously u gave it nute burn dont u think u fucked with it enough. seriously its always better to leave your plant till its finished


Well-Known Member
Whats with all these sample haters? Lower/smaller buds always mature faster, I always take a few samples a few weeks before harvest.

Its not going to hurt the plant at all, and its probably not gonna have any effect on your top colas.
