tips on trimming or pruning


New Member
anyone got good info about trimming or pruning i have a small hight grow space and i want to grow a fat, compact, plant. or a vertical plant cause i have such small hight in grow space but i found out the best way to go is to prun so side branches grow more but i dont knopw what im sapose to trim what do i cut. ive seen pics and stuff but im new and im still lost


Well-Known Member
i say u take each branch and bend it downward and tie it off to the main stem this will create a "jog" effect to where the plant grows around the pot and starts getting bushy kinda like an umbrella...dont know to to much about it but i believe thats the idea other people might add on to what i just said but personally i think that would be the best way


Well-Known Member
Pruning Marijuana- Pruning is the removal of unwanted, often dead foliage. Pruning away old yellowing leaves helps to preserve the health of the garden. Never remove healthy leaves. Pruning marijuana is also done to concentrate growth into certain favored areas of the plant. Pruning is done in some cases to prevent the spread of disease. Any removal of foliage or branches will slow growth for a few days while the plant recovers. Try to snip or cut when pruning. Over-pruning leads to plant shock leading to all kinds of problems such as stunted growth and/or death.
Topping Marijuana- Topping a plant refers to cutting off the top shoot(s) of cannabis plants. You can pinch, clip or snip off the tallest shoots or the freshest shoots. Cut the branch stem just below the last fully developed node,. The plant starts developing branches at the remaining nodes. This is a good techniques to keep a plant short and bushy. Or you can develop many top colas instead of just one. Don't top a plant more than twice and never top when it is in the flowering stage. Bending Marijuana - Carefully pull down the branches of your cannabis plant, or the whole plant, tye them down. You are now forcing them to grow horizontally. Tthe nodes will start producing branches or buds that grow straight up. Bending should be done gradually to avoid pinching or snapping the stem. Use soft hemp string or cloth to secure the branch or stem loosely when tying down to minimize damage to the soft stems. Growth is slowed for awhile as the cannabis plant adjusts to the shock of being bent. This is a good technique to maximize space in a small grow room.


New Member
thanks man really good tips i know what to do about bending now and pruning but if i prun stems that are healthy on the top would it stun the growth by weeks or would it cause death?


Well-Known Member
it would stun growth for awhile providing u dont take to much off, i think i'v made that mistake somewhere along the lines of growing lol


New Member
but if im growing horzonitaly (because of grow space hight restrictions)
do i have to prun at all? would it produce more bud or yeild or reduce it ?(or taste or any good characterics ofthe plant)


Well-Known Member
do u think u can get some pic of ur grow room ?
i'd prob be able to help u out more if u had some,
i'd say not at all but if it look to crouded then yea, and i dont see that it will reduce yeild,


New Member
i live in ontario so its iilegal to grow but whatever and i have parents and brothers which i live with this is my grow space very small i know but best i can do and i only growing 2 plants maybe three if this last seed germinates heres pics (its in a drawer :P)


Well-Known Member
Search LST its the best friend of low height. ScrOG is next. But LST probably fits best considering no specs on space.


New Member
you got any info o LST couldnt find any info on googleand ScrGO wont work with the hight restrictions i have


Well-Known Member
It's really easy... just bend the plant once its 3rd node will reach the edge of the pot... then tie it down at a 90 degree angle at the edge... water the day before as this will help the stem bend but don't force it! The top of the plant will bend back up towards the light in half a day.. mine do within a few hours.

Now this may cause the main stem to start to lean towards the direction of where you tied the top down... natural physics really... so on the direct opposite side I tie the edge of the pot to the lower part of the main stem to keep tention on the opposite direction to keep it from gettin pulled over.

I think a couple pics in my journal show them...

Just use your judgment and don't force anything... LST is all over the web... just include like LST WEED or LST POT with it... there's all kinds of illustrations!

Good Luck!