timing for cloning....newb...have I been given wrong advice


Active Member
Gday everyone...Troy from OZ, thought id post my first thread finally after months of lurking and learning....
Im at the start of the 12/12 flowering stage of my first grow... I have someone who set me up with all the necessary's etc...and Im kinda under his teutelage.. only problem is he's very blase and really is keeping me in the dark as to 'the next step' til we're actually treading on it... very frustrating..Im a very impatient guy, but he's a nice bloke!!! so i kinda bite my tongue a bit with him... plus i got to marry his daughter, so i try and behave....kiss-ass
Anyway....today he was coming round to initiate phase II and from my readings of this site Ive come to the conclusion, light schedules have changed to flowering it must be about cloning day!!!!! YAY!!!! more babies!! so after i waited round most of the day for him to arrive it turns out he was just coming round to change it to 12/12( Im a big kid now...phone call woulda sorted that out) anyway....he really is a genuine nice guy who has been growing for years(retired now due to pest controll coming every other month...termites) so I do have a little faith in him...but he said we're waiting til 6 weeks into flowering b4 we clone... I dont claim to know much about this... but its a little different to my interpretation of what Ive read on this site. BTW the reason im panicking is my wife says shes never seen him actually grow clones....and we had to source these ones from an outsider!!

Your thoughts guys
ps Ive got a nice pic i'll put up soon

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
your father inlaw sounds like a cool guy. he wants you to look up to him for teaching you what he knows about growing.
yes you can clone 6 weeks into flowering but the clones will take longer to root. i like to take clones about 1-2 weeks into 12/12. then they take 2 weeks to root and then veg them for about 6 weeks. now 10 weeks have past since going to 12/12. harvest and put the vegged clones into the flower room.

i would take 1 or 2 of the lowest branches and try to clone a couple yourself. make a small clone box with a couple of cfl's. at around 6 weeks into 12/12, when you mentor wants to take clones, pull out your vegging clones that you already have and say will these work? or wait until the harvest and when his clones are just rooting, then pull out your bushes that have been vegging for 6 weeks. ask him if these are ready for 12/12 and tell him thanks for all the knowledge he has given you.


Active Member
Wow... nice article guys... and ya's have put my mind at ease. I was sure he knew what he was doing, but as someone who loves to over-research anything, Id definetly come to a cross road... looks like its gonna work out just....excellent(fingers tapping together)
And yeah hes a great guy...just wish he'd talk more
Thanks heaps