Timer Fucked up. Ease my mind!


So, my lights in flowering room run 7pm until 7am. I dont have proper ventilation on the tent either, so i have to manually open and close the door to the tent for the dark period. Yesterday i did some work (by the timer) and apparantly bumped into it a bunch. so thismorning, i wake up at 6: 50, go close the door to the tent (assuming lights off in ten min.) and go back to sleep. Woke up and did some things around the house. Then i go into my room to see if my vegging plants need any thing, and to my amazement, lights on in the flower room! FUCK. this was around 1145. i open it up check the timer and its all fucked up. so i unplugged it, stumbled around, stepped on a little lady that was just put into flowering, and cussed a bunch more. Now im beating myself up because ive put so much time and effort into this new room and done everything so carefully. Do you guys think this could cause any serioius problems. I will obviously watch them much more closely now for hermies... In the room are 2 strawberry coughx deep chunck that are 4-5 weeks into flower, 1 querkle thats 3-4 weeks in, and 3 little querkle that are 3 days in. Im assuming the new ones wont have any problems because they really are just figuring out that they need to flip. What about the older ladies? Should i let the light come on at 7pm tonight? or would i be better off letting them still have 12 dark hours and changing the light cycle to 11:45pm on and 11:45am off. any help would be awsome, and probably stress releiving! thanks


Well-Known Member
just keep them on their regular cycle and watch for hermies..and where you step..


That happened to me not too long ago. I was in week 3 of flowering. You should be okay. Just make sure you stick to the cycle. Ive also heard you can give it 12 hours of darkness to catch up so you may want to turn the light on at 11:45pm then go back to the regular schedule.