Thoughts On Miracle Grow Organics


Well-Known Member
I am back to dirt for the time being and noticed something at the local store I hadn't seen before - Organic's Choice Miracle Grow Potting Soil. Any thoughts? Anyone using it?


Well-Known Member
actually, there are 2 MG organic soils - MG Organic Potting and MG Organic Garden
the potting is usually inside in smaller bags, the garden is outside in bigger bags
i've had good luck with the garden soil, it does have a few quirks
one is it tends to low ph, some dolomite in the mix deals well with that
it also tends to have good populations of fungus gnats - they're annoying but can be dealt with fairly easily
but on the whole, it's a pretty good quality organic soil at a good price


Well-Known Member
are you talking about the miracle grow thats in the orange bag ?
I forget the color. It says Ogranic's Choice Miracle Grow Potting Soil. I bought in the 32 quart bag. It has two months worth of feed in it (a third less than the regular) and the numbers are much lower, like .5 - 1 - .5 or something which is typical of organic soil or lower.

I had some problems with my first soil grow which was regular MG. In hindsight, most of the issues were me. Including transplanting into fresh pots of MG halfway through flowering. It didn't come close to using up the built-in nutes and the flushing at the end only activated more nutes. I think that is a problem using any soil with built-in nutes, though. You need to cordinate the size of plant, pot size, and length so most of the built-in stuff is used up before flushing.

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
I used this organic mg garden soil for my veggies and it grows awesome tomatoes. I'm still a bit leary of trying it on cannabis. i'll stick with my expensive fox farms soil for now.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Fox Farm Ocean Forest is a better alternative if you can get it.

The Miracle Grow Organic Choice or whatever it's called is fine but it's a little too barky for my taste. I've used it for vegetables and found that it really needs some extra perlite to loosen up the soil and keep it oxygenated. I've never used it for cannabis.

I'm not sure what the ingredients are for the Organic MG stuff, but the Ocean Forest contains earthworm castings, bat guano, pacific northwest sea-going fish and crab meal, composted forest humus, sandy loam, and sphagnum peat moss.