Thought I would see how we deal with this issue.


Well-Known Member
Pot During Pregnancy

A Portland mother has been forced to sign a waiver before being allowed to breastfeed her newborn—because she is a medical marijuana user. The hospital wanted her to acknowledge that she is aware of the potential risks of getting high while nursing.

Crystal Cain claims there are no health risks, though the American Academy of Pediatrics advises against it. She also smoked throughout her pregnancy to deal with nausea and anxiety. Her baby was born almost two months premature and needed an incubator for a few days, but appears to be doing fine now. Cain says she has no plans to stop smoking.

Is she guilty of putting her own needs ahead of her child’s?


Well-Known Member
Our doctor said that there is certainly nothing in cannabis that ever hurt a baby
..he just didn't recommend smoking it during pregnancy..he suggested cooking or vaporizing instead.
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Well-Known Member
I think it's circumstantial. A woman who is using it for a genuine medical reason can do no more harm than a woman who has to take some phamaceutical for the same medical condition. So if, for example, a woman has severe chronic it better for her to take Tylenol, morphine, etc. etc. or sit down and vaporize?

Velvet Elvis

Well-Known Member
why add carcinogens to the body?

while big pharma is a million times more dangerous there is trial for drugs that establish their effectiveness, safety and risks. there is no such thing about MJ and who is to say her smoking caused the preemie baby. none of us are qulaified to say, but i guarantee you it didnt help.


Well-Known Member
unless you have a more serious medical reason for MMJ than why do it. toughen up and deal with anxiety like billions of other moms before you.

The day I found out im pregnant is the day I put down the pipe. just sayin
Haha ok...or you could take toxic pharmaceutical medications for anxiety and see what happens..know why I smoke cannabis for my anxiety? Cause I read the side effects for four other anxiety medications with side effects ranging from blood clots to stroke to suicidal tendencies. And also advised people not to take them if they were pregnant or breast feeding.

Two doctors actually straight up told us that there are zero compounds in cannabis that have ever harmed a baby. Smoke in general however..should be avoided and alternative ingestion methods were recommend. Endocannabinoid system ring any bells?


Well-Known Member
"The hospital wanted her to acknowledge that she was aware of the potential risks of getting high while nursing "
If she is actually medicating with mmj then the hospital has no right to inform her on the risks of getting high because she is actually not

Velvet Elvis

Well-Known Member
this is a debate where we can go round and round and you will not flex. I am sorry but if a woman has severe chronic pain that is indefinite, perhaps should not be having a baby. if it is later in life and no other children, well then of course everyone has the right to children, but perhaps sit down and consult your midwife, DR peers etc.

Once a day or week, id be more accommodating to the notion, but Ive met many a people who self prescribe and rationalize with themselves that waking and baking helps their day.

Velvet Elvis

Well-Known Member
hospital did nothing wrong, they are covering their butt for if the baby ends up high. there are no reports to support anything. someday they might say mothers who use Mj and nurse cause slower development... who knows. all i know is why take a chance.

but yes compared to big pharma, it is way better. but man up and only use if absolutely necessary. funny how some of yall are so quick to suggest its okay to get your kids high. wtfever


Well-Known Member
this is a debate where we can go round and round and you will not flex. I am sorry but if a woman has severe chronic pain that is indefinite, perhaps should not be having a baby. if it is later in life and no other children, well then of course everyone has the right to children, but perhaps sit down and consult your midwife, DR peers etc.

Once a day or week, id be more accommodating to the notion, but Ive met many a people who self prescribe and rationalize with themselves that waking and baking helps their day.
You are confusing stupid stoners with educated mmj users.

Carcinogens come from the smoke emition...not the cannabis itself. Are you a doctor? An OBGYN? That's where I got my information from

Do some sound like a Harper would love the reefer madness movie..feel free to post something you found on Google to try and prove me wrong.


Well-Known Member
Every study ever done indicating anything bad with cannabis has been tainted by other drugs. One clean study done in Jamaica studying large numbers indicated nothing wrong with consuming ganja while pregnant (before, after and beyond). The only thing they noticed was babies seemed to develop mentally more quickly being more responsive to outside stimulation at an earlier age. I saw it posted today, I'll see if I can dig it up. It was done in the 90's.

Seeing as breast milk has naturally high levels of ananamide our natural source of THC it's not so crazy to think consumption while nursing would be harmless or even beneficial.


Well-Known Member
why add carcinogens to the body?

while big pharma is a million times more dangerous there is trial for drugs that establish their effectiveness, safety and risks. there is no such thing about MJ and who is to say her smoking caused the preemie baby. none of us are qulaified to say, but i guarantee you it didnt help.
Cannabis has been consumed regularly by many cultures for thousands of years. This information is a whole lot more valuable than studies that are often garbage in garbage out due to garbage design.

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
Pot During Pregnancy

A Portland mother has been forced to sign a waiver before being allowed to breastfeed her newborn—because she is a medical marijuana user. The hospital wanted her to acknowledge that she is aware of the potential risks of getting high while nursing.

Crystal Cain claims there are no health risks, though the American Academy of Pediatrics advises against it. She also smoked throughout her pregnancy to deal with nausea and anxiety. Her baby was born almost two months premature and needed an incubator for a few days, but appears to be doing fine now. Cain says she has no plans to stop smoking.

Is she guilty of putting her own needs ahead of her child’s?
No on can judge - only herself - she and only she "knows" what is right and what is wrong - everything will be find, no worse that drinking during your entire birth and feeding - Best wishes and health to your newborn

Velvet Elvis

Well-Known Member
You are confusing stupid stoners with educated mmj users.

Carcinogens come from the smoke emition...not the cannabis itself. Are you a doctor? An OBGYN? That's where I got my information from

Do some sound like a Harper would love the reefer madness movie..feel free to post something you found on Google to try and prove me wrong.

the original post says she smokes. go on about how yall think getting your fetus or newborn high is okay. BECAUSE YOU HAVE ANXIETY. we all do get over it.


Well-Known Member
Way back in the 60s in Europe the doctors prescribed LSD for anxiety for expected mothers. The doctors said it was safe.
I'm fucking fine. I have no fucking issues!!!
( attempt at humor )

It seems like common sense to not smoke anything during pregnancy, we probably all agree on that. I can't see why ingesting would hurt, but I'm no doctor. As a parent I'm not sure I would be comfortable though.
Good thread WHATFG.
NSBUDCA I am very interested in hearing more...I talk to a lot of docs, and have never heard this viewpoint before.
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Well-Known Member
the original post says she smokes. go on about how yall think getting your fetus or newborn high is okay. BECAUSE YOU HAVE ANXIETY. we all do get over it.
Look you're not comfortable with it that's your call. I'm not saying go smoke wed all day when you're pregnant. But if you research the topic a little more then you will have a better understanding of what I'm talking about. Sorry I was bitchy last night.

Velvet Elvis

Well-Known Member
so if we blow our hit in a toddlers face its child abuse, but we get high prego no matterr the style we do it its okay?

were on a ganja site, we all love the buddha, but my kid isnt getting high, and to tell you the truth I hope he never does.


Well-Known Member
so if we blow our hit in a toddlers face its child abuse, but we get high prego no matterr the style we do it its okay?

were on a ganja site, we all love the buddha, but my kid isnt getting high, and to tell you the truth I hope he never does.
I get what you're saying. But pregnant women aren't allowed to take gravol. All the studies that support developmental issues have been poorly executed.

I don't think you know a lot about what you are putting in your body. If you use cannabis you should really do some more research. If there was evidence that cannabis actually harmed children then I would be dead against pregnant women using it. But the fact of the matter is that it would be worse to stress your baby by being anxious all the time than to treat it.

Even with cigarettes a doctor will tell you not to quit abruptly but to slowly hault the use of nicotine because you have a better chance of harming your baby from withdrawal than to slowly cease your tobacco use.

Cigarettes while pregnant are definitely a no no. But how you quit can affect your child.


Well-Known Member
so if we blow our hit in a toddlers face its child abuse, but we get high prego no matterr the style we do it its okay?

were on a ganja site, we all love the buddha, but my kid isnt getting high, and to tell you the truth I hope he never does.
My two cents... I think you are going way off base with this. There is NO EVIDENCE that cannabis has a more negative effect on pregnancy than lettuce. Smoking reduces oxygen levels and therefore not 'best practice', but eating or vaping, even for rec use, is not getting your fetus high. Many thousands of pregnant women take pharmaceutical drugs that carry warnings about the dangers of poisoning or overdose in children, yet are 'safely' prescribed every day. And if she was made to sign a waiver for pot... why was she(and every other mother) not also required to sign similar documents for alcohol...a far more dangerous drug with known devastating results? There are many potential risks for expectant moms and babies, but I think weed is extremely low on that list. Just my opinion.

Velvet Elvis

Well-Known Member
i dont know much of what im putting in my body? my day job is clinical Dietician and Im masters educated.

yes there is a small minority who should treat their anxiety, vs not. but there also is a large majority who justify cannabis use while pregnant, and self prescribe.

I whole heartedly agree that cannabis is much better than pharma. But I would suggest YOGA, meditation, removing the stress or person from your life.

Cannabis as a last resort, if you have truly done your due diligence and hold yourself accountable. try other methods first and do not just resort to cannabis.

Now if they isolate the compounds more and able to relieve anxiety without getting baby buzzed>>> voila

able to reduce anxiety without getting baby blazed---- voila

able to reduce pain without giving baby munchies-.... voila

Efficacy and safety trials are not the evil in FDA trials.

One day glaxo smithkline will have cannabis based pharma without the side effect of getting high.... but will moms want it then?