This Terrifies Me


Well-Known Member
This is mad..But what to do when everyone's asleep?



Well-Known Member
This is mad..But what to do when everyone's asleep?

This guy is great, I just watched the whole thing, he seems very well informed and opionated we should elect him to some office.


Well-Known Member
I have very good luck buying vintage MAde in the USA stuff that lasts forever. Purchased a Alladin Stanley Thermos made in Tennessee in 1993, thing works like new and it only cost me $10, when the crappy Chinese made one costs $40 and is a POS that won't keep my coffee piping hot for 30 hours like the vintage one will.


New Member
and then some prozac for when you realize this isn't some kind of crazy conspiracy with no merit. Sure its exaggerate and largely disingenuous on both sides of these issues but to write it off as a "grain of salt" is wrong, sure if you can't handle it and you want to be in denial that's fine, the truth is that it doesn't effect you right now and likely it will never effect you but some day it could your or your children or your grand children.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
alot of that has some truth to it, the nazis and other totalitarian gov's were experimenting with chemicals in water supply so that citizens could stay dumbed down and placid. its pretty effective, fluoride in the water brah.