This Terrifies Me


Well-Known Member
Interesting how you call him a reneck ignoramus for his belief in a right to revolt against a tyrannical government, despite the fact that our original founding fathers and patriots of colonial America did exactly this to the British government. This is how America exists, don't you know?
Fully agree, look the right to bear arms is there to protect us. The founding fathers had enough foresight that government is and always will be imperfect, and in the inevitable event that government get too big for its britches we have a gun or guns to protect us...for now.


Well-Known Member
Fully agree, look the right to bear arms is there to protect us. The founding fathers had enough foresight that government is and always will be imperfect, and in the inevitable event that government get too big for its britches we have a gun or guns to protect us...for now.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Things like regulation, patriot act, etc only encourages additional power at the top. However, obviously the first thing I stated is only going to start another long debate about how regulation cures everything.

Like how they kicked the media out?


Well-Known Member
This is kinda odd for America eh? I wouldn't know cause I have disconnected from typical society. I'm not terrified so much as flustered.
Thats fucking ridiculous...they are there to protect us not to fuck us...


Well-Known Member
Thats fucking ridiculous...they are there to protect us not to fuck us...
police are NOT there to protect you. The police are there to enforce law compliance and investigate crimes, they are not your personal protection force, they view the general population as the enemy.


Well-Known Member
police are NOT there to protect you. The police are there to enforce law compliance and investigate crimes, they are not your personal protection force, they view the general population as the enemy.
They have to be off-duty sometime or another lol. But if people just stand and watch the rights being stripped from another..then they will continue.


Well-Known Member
no offense taken. and no i dont see you as an asshole, and if my neck is red, its becuase i work for a living. out side for alot of it.

fact is, our right to bare arms is the main reason we have not seen the NWO take the big step forward yet.

fact is, that will only happen when we lose our right to protect ourselves.

GOVERNMENT MUST FEAR ITS CITIZENS if it is to remain a Government of and for the people. Once the people fear the government, as a larger majority do today than anytime in our history, though it is still less than 30% that do i estimate, then the USA will become the NWO. until then, we must use every tatic in our warchest to protect our Constitituion, Citizens friends and family, otherwise we will become the NWO Corporal Elitist Society we are obviousy heading towards. that is unless We the People stand up and protect ourselves.


Well-Known Member
Did I miss something?WTF!!!!! They have masks. It's a wrap for peaceful protests. I feel something is about to go down. I just can't quite put my bong on it.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
We Americans have the right to vote, and the right to free speech, to voice our opinions, but we are so busy working day in and day out and getting caught up with petty discussion on internet websites like this, that we dont it actually satiates our hunger, this back and forth conversation on websites like rollitup or w/e else people go to voice there opinion trakes away our drive to have our voices heard from those that actually matter(those in office, congress and senate). Americans are lazy and satisfied with being dissatisfied, its only when the shit hits the fan that we will get up, when NOW is the time when we should be doing this, and that will always be the case. not for everyone, but the masses, those who have to work two jobs and raise kids at the same time, dont have the time to go out and display their dissent. even those who do, i find suspect becuase alot are paid by parties and corporations to voice their opinions for them behind the mask of constituents or worried citizens. media, government, propaganda. its all intertwined in such a lovely fashion so that we get fucked over in the end.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
sorry but, that is not something that i see happening under any circumstance, i think he has a point that we should rise against the government when dissatisfied, but i believe in non-violent forms of protest and resistance, not having to result to violence is always a better way to preserve democracy.

Edit: hell id love to kill off all the individuals i deem responsible for the shithole we are in, but its kinda hard to kill billionaire execs to banking firms and war-profiteers isnt it?


Well-Known Member
police are NOT there to protect you. The police are there to enforce law compliance and investigate crimes, they are not your personal protection force, they view the general population as the enemy.
Isn't the motto To Protect and To Serve? I suppose there's a bit of a paradox there, you don't know if they protect and serve you or their government? I suppose the latter is true of the present day.


Well-Known Member
Isn't the motto To Protect and To Serve? I suppose there's a bit of a paradox there, you don't know if they protect and serve you or their government? I suppose the latter is true of the present day.
Think about it through the eyes of a cop. All you see all day is people committing crimes and acting like idiots. After a while they become mindless drones to the system.


Well-Known Member
again, im an in no way advocating violence, but the constitution is the way it is for the sole purpose that even our founding fathers knew in 1776, a peacefull takeover of any entity, especially one with a military force at its service, will most likely be neither piecefull, nor possible, without the express freedom and liberty, which includes the right to bare arms, as well as our other in alienable rights, so that "We the People of this United States of America" have the proper tools to Fight for your, and your countrymens freedom and liberty, along side him.

If need be, "We the People" Must take our stand, so that your family and children can have their right to the persuit of happiness. Even if that means many of us will sacrafice our lives so that they can live in the spoils of true freedom.

to think otherwise is a delusion of grandure im afriad.


Well-Known Member
Think about it through the eyes of a cop. All you see all day is people committing crimes and acting like idiots. After a while they become mindless drones to the system.
I was considering being a police officer, because I like to help people. That idea went out the window with my personal resolve in the idea that I do not support the governments laws and the way it treats its people, and to become an officer would be simply selling myself out.

You can justify peaceful protest or violent uprisings, regardless, if I ever see soldiers policing my streets I will revolt.


Well-Known Member
We Americans have the right to vote, and the right to free speech, to voice our opinions, but we are so busy working day in and day out and getting caught up with petty discussion on internet websites like this, that we dont it actually satiates our hunger, this back and forth conversation on websites like rollitup or w/e else people go to voice there opinion trakes away our drive to have our voices heard from those that actually matter(those in office, congress and senate). Americans are lazy and satisfied with being dissatisfied, its only when the shit hits the fan that we will get up, when NOW is the time when we should be doing this, and that will always be the case. not for everyone, but the masses, those who have to work two jobs and raise kids at the same time, dont have the time to go out and display their dissent. even those who do, i find suspect becuase alot are paid by parties and corporations to voice their opinions for them behind the mask of constituents or worried citizens. media, government, propaganda. its all intertwined in such a lovely fashion so that we get fucked over in the end.
I dont know bout yous guys but i dont think me having this conversation is taking my drive for action. I come on here all the time to have political and sometimes religion discussions (hell sometimes you guys challenge my beliefs and the way i think and its awesome) and i still go out and vote, i still show support for my politician of choice. However i do get the vector your coming from, there are alot of distractions that keep us really having to deal with important things like the state of our nation. I almost hate sports simply due to the fact that people are more worried about the fucking Mavs winning (go Mavs) than they are about a bill that turns or fucking president into a dictator (weather it has a chance to pass or not). Add on video games im sure MW3 is on most everyones mind more than economy taking a trip to Shite Drive and Greece Road. Lets just move to are things up there any who? lol


Well-Known Member
I dont know bout yous guys but i dont think me having this conversation is taking my drive for action. I come on here all the time to have political and sometimes religion discussions (hell sometimes you guys challenge my beliefs and the way i think and its awesome) and i still go out and vote, i still show support for my politician of choice. However i do get the vector your coming from, there are alot of distractions that keep us really having to deal with important things like the state of our nation. I almost hate sports simply due to the fact that people are more worried about the fucking Mavs winning (go Mavs) than they are about a bill that turns or fucking president into a dictator (weather it has a chance to pass or not). Add on video games im sure MW3 is on most everyones mind more than economy taking a trip to Shite Drive and Greece Road. Lets just move to are things up there any who? lol
Talking about it is helping, because we are sharing ideas with each other and furthering messages which we will use when it's our turn to vote. The more annoying thing about Americans is their ignorance to it all. I know a kid who was a felon but it was judicated to a misdemeanor after 5 year probation and he was so excited. I asked him if he was excited to vote and he said why would I do that? He told me he didn't care to vote because he didn't know anything about politics and felt it didn't affect him anyways. I don't understand why he was so excited and felt so accomplished to have a felony removed if the best benefit to this is the right to vote and that didn't even matter to him...


Well-Known Member
Talking about it is helping, because we are sharing ideas with each other and furthering messages which we will use when it's our turn to vote. The more annoying thing about Americans is their ignorance to it all. I know a kid who was a felon but it was judicated to a misdemeanor after 5 year probation and he was so excited. I asked him if he was excited to vote and he said why would I do that? He told me he didn't care to vote because he didn't know anything about politics and felt it didn't affect him anyways. I don't understand why he was so excited and felt so accomplished to have a felony removed if the best benefit to this is the right to vote and that didn't even matter to him...
Amen brother ill toke to that.


Well-Known Member
Personally I wrote my congressman immediately.
"The authorization unchecked military action at home and abroad directly contradicts the influence of the people on the topic of war. No one person was, is, or should be capable of authorizing military action without check. By allowing this kind of action on U.S. soil only bolsters the the unconstitutionality such a law that clearly oversteps by allowing what amounts dictatorial power.

In extending the Patriot Act unchallenged in a post 911 without Bin Laden is as overstepping as H.R. 1540. The removal of Liberty in the name of protection is against the precepts our country was founded on. I urge you to consider the implication of these pieces of legislation on the future of the United States of America and the values that we as a people fundamentally believe in. Moving to a military state is not in the best interest of Americans, we the people need our representatives to support limited government not a totalitarian military/police state. "

F.Y.I. voter registrations and early voting usually takes place in your County Clerks office

I also believe in non violent resolution because I feel intellectually competent to do so and it only shows your ignorance call someone names for espousing nonviolence. You want to kill him for it? Does your dad beat you beans?


Well-Known Member
not to sound like an asshole, but advocating the use of arms toward our government makes you sound like some redneck ignoramus, there are ways to get what you want without violence.
sorry but, that is not something that i see happening under any circumstance, i think he has a point that we should rise against the government when dissatisfied, but i believe in non-violent forms of protest and resistance, not having to result to violence is always a better way to preserve democracy.
The United States Is Not Supposed to be A Democracy! And i'm all for peace and debate, but if those are the rules then what do they have all those guns and tanks and bombs and tear gas for?
Better have your gas mask ready........


Well-Known Member
Anyone else been able to find the list of who voted for the renewal of the patriot act. I can't find anything besides the renewal in feb