Think I Shoulda Germinated them first !!!


Active Member
Well it is day 3 since i put the seed directly in the dirt and no sign of anything popping out yet. first time not germinating in paper towels. hope i don't regret that choice.

trichlone fiend

New Member deep did you plant them? ...just give them a few more days before you start to dig'n at them. I do something similar with very good success.


Active Member
Well it is day 3 since i put the seed directly in the dirt and no sign of anything popping out yet. first time not germinating in paper towels. hope i don't regret that choice.
Patience, grasshopper! It could take up to a week and a half before you see anything depending on your soil temps. Larger plants are much better equipped to handle cooler temps, but seedlings like warmth. If you've ever noticed when you pop seeds on a wet paper towel - what shows first? Yep - the root. So you might have some root action already. Are you using a seedling heat mat? If it's cool or somewhat cold in your grow room, that will hinder the timeframe for the seedlings to break the surface. Try to keep them warm, and don't dig in the dirt to check on progress - they'll be fine.


Active Member
you should also try putting a little humidity dome over it too. maybe like a small clear-plastic upside down cup? always worked for me!


Well-Known Member
Put your finger in the soil and see if it feels sold. I get impatient too. I was starting some seeds in a new location, by a sunny window. Five days went by and nothing. Kinda pissed me off, but I just moved them on top of my heater where its usually 80* to 85*F and after one day one sprouted and I expect the others two spout in 1 or 2 more days. Its all about temps. 75-80 is ideal. 85-90 and you risk cooking them.