Things to do/not to do on Acid


Well-Known Member
Have a guide..someone who will know what ur going through and if things go south will have a level head and guide you throgh it,and will be able to face authorites in case the worst happens..glowsticks,lasers,trippy movies like the wall..will all trip you out and seem extreme at first but willo become awesome...


Well-Known Member
You guys are crazy, coloring... Legos... Spray paint? My eyes and vision get so dialated I can barley look at my hand for a few seconds.

Main thing to know, just be calm and go with it. You're going on a "vacation", you're putting all this time.and effort in, so ENJOY IT! It's such a burst of energy. Have fun and be safe buddy. I'm dropping some at the beach tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Dude yeah don't answer random phone numbers..

I was tripping so incredibly hard one time and my grandma called me and I answered. She wouldn't shut up, it was so goofy. But then I ended up answering again for god knows why.. And it was my boss asking if I could work.. Haha I was like 'NOPE!! NOT TODAY SORRY!!'


Active Member
Haha yeah this was a while ago, I'v droped lucey a few times now since then, it's cool. The first time i droped i was smoking some pretty intence salvia in my room with 3 friends, we all came down an me and anouther friend ate a silver tab. I must have been high for 7-8 hours.