things that make you happy/ier


Well-Known Member
I just got a big dose of brotherly strength. My idiot sister and her boyfriend were screaming at each other down the block early the other morning, I didn't know wtf was going on, I just heard it, so I ran outside to see. Apparently he was walking away with some of her shit and wouldn't give it back. The second he saw me he stopped and started acting like he was listening to her. She got her shit back and walked back to the house.

I'm the least violent person on the planet and I hate my sister, it was a weird mix of emotions at the time..


Ursus marijanus
I wanted to share a tiny tale today that made me happy.
I was panning for gold in the local watercourse with my youngin. He decided to take a break in drier terrain, and i was busily washing a pan down to the heavies&fines. (Three flecks of flood gold in that one. I don't find much, but I get every microgram.) So I was working the pan in a sunny shallow, and a bee came floating by. It was tiredly churning the water with its wings. I got my hand under it, and it climbed on. I was a bit worried, because the poor dear was exhausted, pumping like a bellows, and her stinger was out. My thought:
don't tase me, bro!
(Yes; I know it was a girl.) After a minute or so, the stinger went slowly back in, and she kept fanning and breathing, but also started some grooming. I turned my hand to encourage her to climb onto a warm part ... hot flight muscles work better. I saw that her wings were in good shape, which suggested that she was young and had simply had some bad luck. I waded across the creek to find something better than a bramble on which to deposit her. Suddenly, before I got to the bank, she launched and flew up and away. I silently cheered her on. cn


Well-Known Member
I was disappointed at all the dispensaries in Co. Springs close at 7 pm On a Saturday.

But was pleasantly surprised when my brother handed me some Red Diesel that I had given him last year!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
that long of a cure?hows the taste?
It was jarred so didn't taste that bad, (was VERY nice when fresh) It has me grinning from ear to ear, only one small bud left to last 2 days, It's been quite a while since I had to think about conserving. :mrgreen: