Theif Help, re; stolen plants


Active Member
I'm thinking about next year and pay back is a bitch, :twisted:

My two girls were stolen off my back deck when I was at work. What crap can I grow marijuana in next year that's going to leave a VERY bad taste, I hope it's not going as far as growing some toxic plants. I'm thinking feeding with laundry soap? along those lines...and just hope, wait and laugh when they go missing next year.


Well-Known Member
Get a camera so you can finsd out who did it then start planning revenge. atm your stressing and coming up with bad ideas.


Active Member
I had same sort of thing happen to me earlier this year. Got broken into while i was asleep. Woke up to 32 plants gone. Thieving sausages. Hate people who steal
be the bigger man, there is enough cannabis for all. next time grow a few extra and call him up and ask if he wants one and tell him you will teach him to grow his own.
you made a new friend
you taught a man to fish instead of giving him a fish
more growers in the world is a good thing
a potential avenue of new strains


Well-Known Member
Who the hell steal plants... You would have to be a retard to steal plants.. a total retard.

Sorry for your loss, But a bad thing can turn into a good one. If someone can rob you that easily then it tells you one thing. You grow area is not safe or secure. Better wise up and invest in a better/safer environment.

Good luck


Active Member
^ i agree with this guy but bring a chain and a couple cement blocks orrrrrr i would get the sharks with laser beams attached to their heads. Very useful tips but seriously get a camera and catch the fool


Well-Known Member
The best thing to do next year is not to tell anybody about your grow.Its like a 80% its somebody you know or possibly a neighbor.


Active Member
Sorry, anyways yes my co worker says the grenade to the string would work the best, but I dontt see any on ebay. Wal~mart has the Infrared Cameras motion activated.Contaminated with herbicides and pesticides, could be a toxic plant. I really hope they are stolen next year, :fire:

I'm not freaking out and lost intrest a few day after they went missing, I have 3 neighbours one side are bikers the back one was over for a fire and admitted to his oxy habit, the one side are the best, the others not so much. they only got 2-3 oz all most nothing to me, just I miss that strain it's so sweet.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
someone who would poison a fellow man is the lowest form of life i know , i could forgive a person for stealing


Well-Known Member
look for DNA at the scene and match the DNA with his. take him out with some sedatives and chain him to a table. use a hacksaw and cut him into pieces while his alive. use the blood for a bloodmeal, use the bone for a bonemeal, and use everything as compost. you got yourself a complete NPK fertilizer there! if theres no law, thats what i would do with thieves


Well-Known Member
keeping plants in plain site with no security is an open invitation to the immoral and weak. Cameras,and dogs are great. I got busted with a grow and a gun once it cost me $10K for a lawyer to get 18 months with ten years hanging followed by 4 years probation and another $3500 fine... Big dogs man, Big dogs... plus they make great companions :)


Active Member
Denatonium Benzoate!!!!! According to science, this is the most bitter substance known to date "Non-toxic". Just take a ton of fingernail polish "gallon or so" and let it evaporate and collect the white powder, mix it with about 1-2 cups of water and spray on your bait plants and wait to hear about some bad stash going around town. Don't tell friends your doing this they could be the thieves.


Active Member
I'm thinking about next year and pay back is a bitch, :twisted:

My two girls were stolen off my back deck when I was at work. What crap can I grow marijuana in next year that's going to leave a VERY bad taste, I hope it's not going as far as growing some toxic plants. I'm thinking feeding with laundry soap? along those lines...and just hope, wait and laugh when they go missing next year.
take the hit and forget it , fookin scum bags need there ass kickin, but eh its prob best that u think of growin ya shit for yaself rarther than them scum even for payback, coz the bestpayback is u avin a nice smoke next grow so put it behind ya man, or u cud try n make somethink that looks like a cannabis plant put some plastic sheetin over it so they think ur hidin that shit from them and wen they come to pinch it next time leave a note in the pot telling them by the time they av finished reading this letter u av secreeted enough poison in to ur skin via this paper letter that ur gonna av the shits for a month, lo, peace out man


Well-Known Member
be the bigger man, there is enough cannabis for all. next time grow a few extra and call him up and ask if he wants one and tell him you will teach him to grow his own.
you made a new friend
you taught a man to fish instead of giving him a fish
more growers in the world is a good thing
a potential avenue of new strains
After they stole from you???? What a cowardly approach. I do not tolerate thiefs. Is why I exercise my second amendment.

Watch weeds? Helia boobietraps her outdoor grow, fish hooks, shotguns with fish wire around the trigger, bear traps. Or you could get a cane corso.

I will eat pot thiefs!!