The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Ive used reg seeds only in last 4 or 5 years and had quite a good ratio of females ... id say on avg i get 3 males out a 10 pack ... obviously varies abit ... i grew one pack out and got 9 males and 1 female lol
haha so your the one getting my extra females lol


Well-Known Member
Yanks have bested themselves on how moronic they can be............

DEA warns of stoned rabbits if Utah passes medical marijuana
By Christopher Ingraham March 2 at 10:57 AM
Flickr user Chung Ho Leung/CC)
Utah is considering a bill that would allow patients with certain debilitating conditions to be treated with edible forms of marijuana. If the bill passes, the state's wildlife may "cultivate a taste" for the plant, lose their fear of humans, and basically be high all the time. That's according to testimony presented to a Utah Senate panel (time stamp 58:00) last week by an agent of the Drug Enforcement Administration.

"I deal in facts. I deal in science," said special agent Matt Fairbanks, who's been working in the state for a decade. He is member of the "marijuana eradication" team in Utah. Some of his colleagues in Georgia recently achieved notoriety by raiding a retiree's garden and seizing a number of okra plants.

Fairbanks spoke of his time eliminating back-country marijuana grows in the Utah mountains, specifically the environmental costs associated with large-scale weed cultivation on public land: "Personally, I have seen entire mountainsides subjected to pesticides, harmful chemicals, deforestation and erosion," he said. "The ramifications to the flora, the animal life, the contaminated water, are still unknown."

Fairbanks said that at some illegal marijuana grow sites he saw "rabbits that had cultivated a taste for the marijuana. ..." He continued: "One of them refused to leave us, and we took all the marijuana around him, but his natural instincts to run were somehow gone."

DEA says Utah rabbits 'cultivated a taste' for pot(4:40)
During a Utah Senate panel on a bill that will allow certain patients to be treated with edible forms of marijuana, special agent Matt Fairbanks warned of the environmental costs associated marijuana cultivation on public land. (Utah State Legislature)
It's true that illegal pot farming can have harmful environmental consequences. Of course, nothing about these consequences is unique to marijuana. If corn were outlawed and cartels started growing it in national forests, the per-plant environmental toll would be about the same.

But backcountry marijuana grows are a direct result of marijuana's illegal status. If you're concerned about the environmental impact of these grows, an alternative is to legalize and regulate the plant so that people can grow it on farms and in their gardens, rather than on remote mountainsides.

Now, regarding rabbits. Some wild animals apparently do develop a taste for bud (and, yes, best to keep it away from your pets). But I don't know that the occasional high rabbit constitutes grounds for keeping marijuana prohibition in place, any more than drunk squirrels are an argument for outlawing alcohol. And let's not even get started on the nationwide epidemic of catnip abuse.

There was a time, not too long ago, when drug warriors terrified a nation with images of "the devil's weed" and "reefer madness." Now, it seems that enforcers of marijuana law conjuring up a stoned bunny?

Not scary enough for the Utah Senate, it seems: the panel approved the bill and sent it to the full Senate, where it will be debated this week.


Well-Known Member
Wank emails spazin might be the wifi on the bus if anyone needs to pm me do it here n ghetto the dvd collector's edition of star wars is a great idea man looking forward to it already


Well-Known Member
Managed to get a loan of 20 quid for some smoke, called my guy who said jump down and get it, so I call him when I'm there as usual for him to bring it out to my car as he don't let anyone in his house, he said I'll be there in 5 min, 45 min later I was still waiting and he was ignoring my calls, just as I start to drive away the cunt appears, he's a lucky motherfucker that I was in desperate need of smoke or I'd have drove off after 10 min went to his flat and smashed the cunt about for making me wait so long,
oh well time to roll a fatty and try to relax


Well-Known Member
Fucking dealers for u hulk, fucking cunts never give a time they like to string u along like a mug..if I say I'm dropping down smoke in ten I'll be there in ten not this oh hold on or actually can u need me here instead (15 miles away) n all that shite to make em feel important


Well-Known Member
Fucking dealers for u hulk, fucking cunts never give a time they like to string u along like a mug..if I say I'm dropping down smoke in ten I'll be there in ten not this oh hold on or actually can u need me here instead (15 miles away) n all that shite to make em feel important
Thats it Lax, same here when I'm dropping off to someone and say I'll be there in 5 I'm there within 5 mins not later, the cunt will regret it when I chop and he's coming to me again, fucking small time nobody that he is, thinks he's big cos he buys in a cpl Oz a week to sell in small amounts,


Well-Known Member
Sure fucking last night I had to put my rain gear over my pj's off my tits on diazepam n codeine to collect that 50e off my mother fucking first cousin so I could buy some star wars memorabilia again...told his straight to his face he's never getting tic again the fucking cunt he knew I was going on hols n all n was stock for grade


Well-Known Member
Thats it Lax, same here when I'm dropping off to someone and say I'll be there in 5 I'm there within 5 mins not later, the cunt will regret it when I chop and he's coming to me again, fucking small time nobody that he is, thinks he's big cos he buys in a cpl Oz a week to sell in small amounts,
that's how this game works man, if someone takes u for a mug treat the cunt the same, u were literally sitting outside his house n tbh he's gonna get busted in no time dealing from his house like a spanner.


Well-Known Member
that's how this game works man, if someone takes u for a mug treat the cunt the same, u were literally sitting outside his house n tbh he's gonna get busted in no time dealing from his house like a spanner.
I know mate he gets me to park 2 streets away from his gaff so it not too dodgy for him, but if he keeps messing me about its not the pigs he needs worry about its me taking his stash off him.


Well-Known Member
I'd of snapped man especially if I were hanging for a smoke..was it atleast quality? nothing worse than waiting donkeys n it's damp swanky looking green like wet grass
Have to give the guy that one the weed is really nice, it's some cheese cross with haze gets me proper smashed to the extent I'm walking around looking like a chinky
could be better bits tho, only 1.6g for a score


Well-Known Member
Least the smoke was good..if he works break into the fuckers house n liberate his stash bot like he'll rat u out to the cops lol