The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Fuck me I love my blunts but it means I gotta get set back up asap so I can never not smoke again!!!


Well-Known Member
Zoned out listening to that smoking a spliff nice one it's like a mix but good to zone out to lol

Since u 2 like rap here one of my randomness (how hipster of me)


Hey dopamine yer weed and growing techniques are shite ya spastic lol. Av heard yer maw takes it up the dungy off all the young team lol the dirty auld hing oot her fanny and back box must be like a burst couch.LOL ya big mad mental smear test ye. Pmsl
shite patter,and dont get on mas coz i just got aff urs the for ur name,what kind of name is jinky ya tool,king william would be for shite technique i couldnt give a fuck,unless it was


ive started so ill finish....ur mum and sister again,then id definitely give a fuck,among other things,but yeah my techniue may be shite but the weeds fire,too strong for a pap like urself,ud be a paranoid schizofrenic wreck after one puff,ya for not having a wife,all i can say is nae wonder,jock spazy like u will have resigned themself to the fact u aint getting a bird,ever,its just no there for u.
anyway,its been a pleasure,i hope u,ice and gaybhoy enjoy ur camping trip x