The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Yeh I thought ud be after that heavy buzz mate lol op sounds good inrekon I'd like a night if that and dabs and pizza lol
try go for spanish op rather than the indian stuff then, im shore if your in india its better but the dn indian op is mostly shite, scurvy crew use to be the go to for the best op, but they got kicked off agora a long time ago now,misterfawkes is prob your best bet nowdays for spanish op and is more than likely scurvy crew anyway lol


New Member
Hi all UK growers!

This thread is for UK growers, indoor, outdoor, soil, hydro etc etc!

Post everything and anything you like, assuming it has something to do with weed or UK!

Ill start off with a q now, the prices of weed in ur area, and the me ur ans.

woo, UK.bongsmilie
Hi all

Where i am the average price of a Oz is approx £200-220 . This is normally good stuff but ever now and then the stuff the Chinese grow is either cheaper or covered in spray ...horrible stuff


Well-Known Member
Fucking hate mozzies (skeeters to you). Horse flies are just as bad mind. I gotta be a right fanny and spray myself with insect repellant to work outdoors, else I end up getting bitten to fuck. The world would be a better place without these blood sucking cunts!

Giving blood is a good thing! Drink a few pints of Guinness after to get ya iron count up.


Well-Known Member
Been catching up on UK news... no HB for under 21s. Good news! stops all the chav cunts popping babies out at 15-16 and getting a free flat paid for by those that work for a living. Child benefits for only 2 kids is also good news. Don't have kids if you can't afford it! Simple. Tax payers shouldn't have to bare the brunt of the underclass breeders having babies to make a living out of being fucking useless.

All they need to to do now is round up all the full time unemployed and ship the cunts off to work camps.


New Member
Cheers man .... just new to this site and enjoying already ...this is pics of my first grow ...just finished week 4 ..they are special queen #1 ...grown in coco ..using plagron coco a and b ,rhizotonic ,pro-cal and green sensation ... told by an experienced grower green sensation is good stuff but will have to wait and see (although quite pricey) ...appreciate any comments ,advice etc from all .20150704_205148.jpg20150704_205045.jpg



Well-Known Member
No bug holes. I'd give my left testicle for no bug holes lol....

Outdoor growing has the best light, but the pest problem is never ending.


New Member
would love to be able to grow outdoors but just dont have the climate where i am unfortunately ...suppose both indoors and outdoors have their own benefits and problems