The UK Growers Thread!

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
The guys in the video I posted speak the way u guys spell... All retarded!!!! Fuck I'm glad I'm American. only win fights against irish people..I don't know who told them they can fight.


Well-Known Member
And the crowd in Dublin was so stupid, even the kids sound drunk.
U have an Irish child, they never shut up; potato this potatoes that so a drop of powers n naps time
...then we ride by horse across the cobble/dirt roads back to light our street lights just qe live in the past....pig ignorant twat


Well-Known Member
How about he just stays the fuck out of here.
I bet you likes for a month aldo wins...everything , every fucken thing I post in this thread you must like...if your boy wins I'll be giving you the likes.. ...are u down or what?
you even type like a hick u slack jawed yokel