The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
Live and learn :) only time i've tried buying weed since i got here. Girlfriend always turns up with something, lovely lemon haze at the moment.

And a TDS pen? What did you go and buy one of those for? There are instructions on the bottle for a reason :lol: they're so utterly pointless unless you're an utter rookie.
Sorry couldnt post so had to click reply anyone know wat this is mighty 69 sachet gel



Well-Known Member
Is she pissed? Tell her to cop on.
I suppose we both are a bit ha ... im sitin here drinkin red wine and smokin a bit of zlh she had away for me ??? Wtf .... yeah she said i gave her a bit to put way for me fck do i remember... 1.82g happy days get 2 scaby joints ha so cant really give a shit bout the tree


Well-Known Member
I suppose we both are a bit ha ... im sitin here drinkin red wine and smokin a bit of zlh she had away for me ??? Wtf .... yeah she said i gave her a bit to put way for me fck do i remember... 1.82g happy days get 2 scaby joints ha so cant really give a shit bout the tree
My sis made the mistake of putting my tree up last year, now its fuckin tradition lol, won't be for a week or two yet tho


Well-Known Member
Just bagged 90g of bone dry trim in the freezer will make some hash in a couple of days got about another 100g of nice sugary trim drying now and another box full at me mates plus gotta trim one more :) looks like I'm gonna get dome nice bubble off all this lot ......oh just picked a g of the old Colombian marching powder of me Indian mate its rocket and 50 for .7 yeeeeeeeehhhaaaaaaaaaa


Well-Known Member
Yeah I have to go up to the mothers withe the missus next week n put hers ip with her...i smoke my fucking brains out before I attempt anything like that so it's usually grand it's just the fucking lead up knowing all this family shits on its way n then the Gfs bday is just after the whore new year.