The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member

lmao £260 fine was quite a fun day 1st time at court n all that lol
Fun and lucky at the same time boy cant complain there lmao i hope u told em you ll give em a pound a wk lad lmfao


Well-Known Member
fuck off ya bunch of wankstains although admittedly it was a wee tad out of order lol i was a mess up lairy bastard on the flight lol


Well-Known Member
Ok knob heads im gonna start a journal any idea wot to call it lmao no fucked up shit knob heads this is 1 im gonna run from everythin i run seeds clones clone onlys the whole shabangalooe sambo lads im still after ????? Pm lad


Well-Known Member
Aye, it was in the 80's. Fukin jokeshop.

£60 for posession? Lol, i only got £70 for hashing up a couple of walls drink driving :D But then again i guess they don't need to because they know they'll be reaping in the money once i started driving again.


Well-Known Member
I work from home and it's pretty hard not to go off and stare for a while, lol.........
Lmao i know were your comin from bro i love to just get in there and do shit its the only place i get to chill and relax tbh i ve been neglectin time in there the last few weeks but that ll change quick real quick lol in 2minds wether to pop more of pukkas beans lol ive fuckin shit loads of seeds stashed away lol and with me avin a veg chamber now can easily veg and flower a fair few beasts with no hassle hmmm decision decisions !!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Man oh man. I know the notion of "spiked" weed is generally a joke given that it would make the weed cost more not less. But picked up a 10 last night to have a couple of joints with a friend, and when i was looking at the bud there were two parts where there was just a solid sheen. Not individual trichs, just like a 3mmx3mm flat glassy solid shiny bit.

Smoked it anyway.

After just half a joint my heart beat went through the roof, started feeling sick, started losing my vision and upon trying to get to the bathroom just in case, legs just gave up and i collapsed on the carpet and started sweating like i've never sweat in my life, literally pouring down my face, before going ice cold. Very very peculiar. Gonna roll up another now and see what happens :D