The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Healthy diets are for suckers who got conned into the whole concept of expensive fruit and veg and excersize machines and gym memberships :D Twats :D


moved up here from london, to be with the misses...come on now dude less of the copper,,pls,, a caretaker at the min for a fairly big school up here..its better than my last job tho ...which was a copper..hahaha only joking!!!!


Well-Known Member
evenin tip, im only in for 5 mins, my new pc is comin next week and my broadband should be going by a week on some new plants on the go but i'll post details and pics next week.


Active Member
No point in binning it,... it' a high you don't want to miss out on :D
OK that does it, I have to try some homemade homegrown hash. Actually I've thought of something involving much less effort, risk and mess on my behalf. OK, it's an entirely self-serving idea but one side-effect would be challenging the horticultural and culinary skills of UK thread-ers and, erm, encouraging/supporting the development of superior drugs.

Right: everybody makes a batch of hash according to the method they feel is superior. Then they all send it to Me (as this is such a self-serving idea I've capitalised My Self, AKA Me). As the only resident hash virgin (presumably), I'll have no preconceived ideas about what I'm smoking. I'll note down each batch's code number, plus grade the high from 1 to 10, and .... other stuff relevant to hash. The maker of the best hash gets recognition, acclaim and notoriety on the thread, and I spend the next 6 months permanently stoned.

I think it's a brilliant idea.


i know but there so bloody expensive, i just couldnt afford the £150+ the 20+ seeds... and im rubbish @ starting them off, they just dont work out for me.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
What the hell are you talking about £150+ for seeds. You can pick up a cannabis seed for under £5 and take cuttings from that. See why i'm not quite buying the whole story ;)