The Top Ten Reasons Conservatives Should Vote For Obama

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
Since when has the US subjected itself to anything the UN said? If the UN makes resolutions we agree with, we go along, otherwise we don't.

It'd be a hell of a lot cheaper and easier and it'd result in a lot less loss of life on both sides if we could get other nations to help us in Iraq and Afghanistan. Plus, if all those other countries hate us, you can bet they'll give us the shaft on oil prices.

I don't know why I bother responding to your bellicose jingoism, but I guess I hold out hope that you're not a complete idiot. ;)

read this article and do a google before you spout off jibberish.

"It also represents a continuation of a policy that began under former President Clinton, who ordered the prosecution of a U.S. Army soldier who refused to join the U.N. Army. "


Well-Known Member
The problem with that is that Obama clearly does not have a faith,
good,, last thing i want is another religious idiot in office talking about the word of god in a country thats supposed to be about the separation of church and state

Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
read this article and do a google before you spout off jibberish.

"It also represents a continuation of a policy that began under former President Clinton, who ordered the prosecution of a U.S. Army soldier who refused to join the U.N. Army. "
So we sent some troops to help out in Georgia. Like I said, the US agreed that Georgia needed military aid, so we cooperated. You think we should just refuse to help out of pure stubbornness?


Well-Known Member
So we sent some troops to help out in Georgia. Like I said, the US agreed that Georgia needed military aid, so we cooperated. You think we should just refuse to help out of pure stubbornness?
You didn't even read it did you you incompetent buffoon.

The issue wasn't if we sent soldiers to Georgia or not, the issue was them being forced to wear UN uniforms.

Leftists/Stalinists, anything to slant some one else's words their way.

Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
So now I'm a Stalin sympathizer because I didn't understand what the big deal was? So what if they have to wear UN uniforms? Having the soldiers wear similar uniforms facilitates military cooperation. They all have their national flags sewn on their uniforms, so it's not like they can't tell what country anyone is from.


Well-Known Member
So now I'm a Stalin sympathizer because I didn't understand what the big deal was? So what if they have to wear UN uniforms? Having the soldiers wear similar uniforms facilitates military cooperation. They all have their national flags sewn on their uniforms, so it's not like they can't tell what country anyone is from.
The issue is that these are United States soldiers, and not UN Soldiers, thus there is no reason why they should be forced to wear UN Uniforms.


New Member
If they are taking other peoples tax money and paying people to live in Alaska, that is a socialist program. No one is forcing them to live in Alaska. Why isn't anyone paying me to breathe this corn and bean dust every harvest?

People don't want to live in alaska, it is a way of getting people to stay or come. it is from the oil they have, but do you want to live in alaska? 24 hour dark periods, cut off from the world(literaly), freezing ass cold! no way, not me. and it is less than 2K. I wish my state gave me 2k.


Well-Known Member
If they are taking other peoples tax money and paying people to live in Alaska, that is a socialist program. No one is forcing them to live in Alaska. Why isn't anyone paying me to breathe this corn and bean dust every harvest?
It's "Socalist" when Dems do it but when Neocons do's "MAVERICY." :-o


Well-Known Member
It's "Socalist" when Dems do it but when Neocons do's "MAVERICY." :-o
It's Socialist BS, that shouldn't be done, I don't care who is doing it, but that's the state, and pinning it on Palin exclusively neglects the role of the state legislature.

Though she should have vetoed the bill that passed the windfall profits tax. Political Puffery.


New Member
About the only thing Andrew Sullivan is a set of papers. Like Nazi Germany, "Let's see your papers. Yes, those papers, the one's that credential you as a journalist. Yes, let's see those papers? What, no papers, you aren't authorized to speak,"

And your credentials are??