The Tin Foil Hat Meeting down at the docks


Well-Known Member
Thanks Mr Neutron!

Harvard Study Finds Fluoride Lowers IQ - Published in Federal Gov't Journal

Submitted by Michael Smith on Fri, 07/27/2012 - 22:13in

NEW YORK, July 24, 2012
Harvard University researchers' review of fluoride/brain studies concludes "our results support the possibility of adverse effects of fluoride exposures on children's neurodevelopment." It was published online July 20 in Environmental Health Perspectives, a US National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences' journal (1), reports the NYS Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc. (NYSCOF)
"The children in high fluoride areas had significantly lower IQ than those who lived in low fluoride areas," write Choi et al.
Further, the EPA says fluoride is a chemical "with substantial evidence of developmental neurotoxicity."
Fluoride (fluosilicic acid) is added to US water supplies at approximately 1 part per million attempting to reduce tooth decay.
Water was the only fluoride source in the studies reviewed and was based on high water fluoride levels. However, they point out research by Ding (2011) suggested that low water fluoride levels had significant negative associations with children's intelligence.
Choi et al. write, "Although fluoride may cause neurotoxicity in animal models and acute fluoride poisoning causes neurotoxicity in adults, very little is known of its effects on children's neurodevelopment. They recommend more brain/fluoride research on children and at individual-level doses.
"It's senseless to keep subjecting our children to this ongoing fluoridation experiment to satisfy the political agenda of special-interest groups," says attorney Paul Beeber, NYSCOF President. "Even if fluoridation reduced cavities, is tooth health more important than brain health? It's time to put politics aside and stop artificial fluoridation everywhere," says Beeber.
After reviewing fluoride toxicological data, the NRC reported in 2006, "It's apparent that fluorides have the ability to interfere with the functions of the brain."
Choi's team writes, "Fluoride readily crosses the placenta. Fluoride exposure to the developing brain, which is much more susceptible to injury caused by toxicants than is the mature brain, may possibly lead to damage of a permanent nature."
Fluoride accumulates in the body. Even low doses are harmful to babies, the thyroid, kidney patients and heavy water-drinkers. There are even doubts about fluoridation's effectiveness (2). New York City Legislation is pending to stop fluoridation. Many communities have already stopped.
Infant formula when mixed with fluoridated water delivers 100-200 times more fluoride than breastmilk. (3)
More information on fluoride's impact on the brain is here.
Contact: Paul Beeber, JD, 516-433-8882 [email protected]
SOURCE NYS Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc.
Press Release found on Reuters

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Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Is this just for government conspiracies? If not, theres a ton of things I can post in here thats very eye opening. Well, eye opening for all of us crazies that is.


New Member
I believe the state was created under the lie that it was necessary by men who wanted power. I believe these collectivist actions created power structures which could rule over others. In order for others not to be trampled and to fight for human rights, they started collectivist governments in order to keep the other collectivist assholes at bay. This created a whole cluster fuck of collectivism, leading people to believe that they must fight for their rights and that they need their collectivist government to protect them from other collectivist groups. I think humanity is having a war right now, collectivism v. collectivism. The moment we realize that we don't need power structures we will begin the true paradigm shift into freedom and individualism. The true revolution will be a world wide revolution where the people stand up and destroy their governments, replacing them with nothing. This will end war and oppression.

you guys are crazy bongsmilie
Pretty much...

Government itself is the grand conspiracy

Not just collectivism vs individualism but the very idea that human ownership and exceptions to moral rules can ever be justified or work.

Everything we know from philosophy, history, ethics, logic, rational principles - the very foundations in thought, all tell us - It is not justified - it can not "work" - It can not sustain ..Eventually it all comes crumbling down. Unless everyone comes to realize this things will not change, I will be optimistic because of technological advances in the way we communicate but the last 25,000+ years just repeats this over and over.

Authoritarianism is a lie, its advocates...or zombies rather argue not with philosophy or rationality but with primal instics like loyal dogs to their master. Propagandized they believe that they too are or can one day be the exception and that their masters actually care about them. The truth is, our masters don't care about us and we will never be in their club, they do no serve our interest, and we don't need them...without these zombified minions they would cease to exist, we give them their power...its all in our heads....

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Alright! This one is quite a wopper, so either be amazed or laugh your ass off about how ridiculous it is.

The video is about how everything in existence is the result of a field of connected consciousness. He tells you the credible sources of pretty much all the information he presents, government institutions, scientists, studies, etc. Its not pseudo science either, he presents facts from nobel prize winning scientists and other well respected men of knowledge. He also goes into other subjects and none of the connections he makes can be considered cherry picking, it is too consistent. Enjoy!

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Its too hard to stay away from that thread. I wanna put the spirituality back in SSP. I guess its a lost cause though, its dominated by know-it-all atheists.

... I was looking for the picture that had a cartoon dude expressing an idea on the internet then being yelled at by angry grey trolls until he turned into an angry grey troll himself.


Well-Known Member
Its too hard to stay away from that thread. I wanna put the spirituality back in SSP. I guess its a lost cause though, its dominated by know-it-all atheists.

... I was looking for the picture that had a cartoon dude expressing an idea on the internet then being yelled at by angry grey trolls until he turned into an angry grey troll himself.
Yeah, I almost dived in to tell you that Not having a Religion is their Religion.


Well-Known Member
Although the expected interest in the Tin Foil Hat Club was very low it was not this low so I decided that in order to make it seem less scary and full of whackos I must expand on what my findings are of my research into this study presently. I have been doing this research for 7 years and to show that I carefully consider all the evidence I'd like to share that I came across an article on many alternative news blogs about the CIA moving it's domestic department to Aurora, CO and wanted to dash on over to with the news but could not find the Washington Post article that they all were sourcing which led me to 3 possible conclusions:

1. The Elites took the Post article down

2. The alternative news blogs are putting out disinformation

3. The Elites are putting out disinformation to distract

I have been lied to by my family, my church, my teachers, cops, politicians, doctors, scientists and generally most of those whom were supposed to be the ones with the authoritative and accurate knowledge so yeah, I got me some major trust issues.

I have yet to find any evidence of much beyond a few greedy families own and control the world. I have found evidence that proves a lot of what others consider whacky conspiracy theories such as the Kennedy Assassination and a lot of evidence of other shit our leaders have been pulling throughout the world such as mass genocide in South America.

I cannot however rule out what people like Michael Tsarion say because I cannot find evidence to really say he is wrong. My Theory is he's full of shit but is trying to generate a greater interest in what I have found to be true, his psychology of controlling the masses. I want everyone's sincere opinions to be respected on this thread, I want a safe haven to expand our collective knowledge free from haters.



Ursus marijanus
I offer a safe haven to discuss our whacky theories with the goal of collectively opening our minds to things we haven't either stumbled upon or had the time or energy to delve into deeper. Don't be shy! bongsmilie

I'll start. I am so close to believing as very plausible most of David Icke and Michael Tsarion's

theories. I am still wavering on how close to Scientology it is but then all religions have been

corrupted for evil. I haven't ruled out that a man named Jesus said :finger: to the Romans so why not

Alien's trapped on Earth? Speaking of Aliens, that is my blind spot right now... are their really aliens

buried on the moon and is it fake? I know C R A Z Y :roll:
Scientology is a purely and cynically human construct ... it was essentially started by L.Ron as a bar wager. If you research its core, the Sea Org, you will be convinced that it is about as evil as human conceits can get. They use all the classic techniques of a cult. Please do not lend "scientology" any credence. cn


Well-Known Member
Scientology is a purely and cynically human construct ... it was essentially started by L.Ron as a bar wager. If you research its core, the Sea Org, you will be convinced that it is about as evil as human conceits can get. They use all the classic techniques of a cult. Please do not lend "scientology" any credence. cn
Yeah but doesn't it sound like Icke is a member?


Well-Known Member
I watched Gonzo finally last night and I'm even more sure it was a distraction from Dr. Hunter Thompson being suicided. Meaning his assassination was made to look as a suicide. Say what you will but Dr. Thompson was no Pussy.


Well-Known Member
I watched Gonzo finally last night and I'm even more sure it was a distraction from Dr. Hunter Thompson being suicided. Meaning his assassination was made to look as a suicide. Say what you will but Dr. Thompson was no Pussy.
OK how about Bob Marley? I heard it was Niel Bush, W's brother.


New Member
Alright! This one is quite a wopper, so either be amazed or laugh your ass off about how ridiculous it is.

The video is about how everything in existence is the result of a field of connected consciousness. He tells you the credible sources of pretty much all the information he presents, government institutions, scientists, studies, etc. Its not pseudo science either, he presents facts from nobel prize winning scientists and other well respected men of knowledge. He also goes into other subjects and none of the connections he makes can be considered cherry picking, it is too consistent. Enjoy!
This is a brand of Metaphysics Philosophy, I encourage you guys to study philosophy if you are into this stuff. Scientology is the same thing basically just a brand of Metaphysics philosophy branded as truth. (not the rational kind, I don't mean that in a negative conotation thats just the term).


Well-Known Member
There is no "conspiracy" in the way that most people take this word to mean.

Several days ago I was driving in Tijuana. I was near the line to get across the border and I was trying to get two lanes over in order to make a left turn at an intersection. The first of these two lanes, was full of cars waiting to cross the road to get toward the border waiting line. I must have waited 10 minutes to get into that lane and not a single motorist was willing to allow me to get in. One could almost say they were conspiring against me to keep me from getting where I was going. Our society is competitive.

Another form of conspiracy is purely philosophical. Some people simply think a certain way. With purely left brain reasoning and the belief that the human mind is capable of grasping the totality of the dimension in which we exist (Aristotelian), some people reject anything that does not conform to the established laws of nature. Some people (Ayers) call this logical positivism and some call it methodological naturalism. Someone with this way of thinking will almost certainly bash heads with a person who thinks as Plato's cave allegory would demonstrate, that our minds are simply not capable of grasping all as our senses gather information within fine parameters. These two perspectives will almost certainly lead a person to take a side when witnessing a debate according to which they agree with. They are not conspiring, they are simply sticking to what they comprehend.

Just my two pieces of copper worth more than the sum two cents engraved by the mint.


Well-Known Member
There is no "conspiracy" in the way that most people take this word to mean.

Several days ago I was driving in Tijuana. I was near the line to get across the border and I was trying to get two lanes over in order to make a left turn at an intersection. The first of these two lanes, was full of cars waiting to cross the road to get toward the border waiting line. I must have waited 10 minutes to get into that lane and not a single motorist was willing to allow me to get in. One could almost say they were conspiring against me to keep me from getting where I was going. Our society is competitive.

Another form of conspiracy is purely philosophical. Some people simply think a certain way. With purely left brain reasoning and the belief that the human mind is capable of grasping the totality of the dimension in which we exist (Aristotelian), some people reject anything that does not conform to the established laws of nature. Some people (Ayers) call this logical positivism and some call it methodological naturalism. Someone with this way of thinking will almost certainly bash heads with a person who thinks as Plato's cave allegory would demonstrate, that our minds are simply not capable of grasping all as our senses gather information within fine parameters. These two perspectives will almost certainly lead a person to take a side when witnessing a debate according to which they agree with. They are not conspiring, they are simply sticking to what they comprehend.

Just my two pieces of copper worth more than the sum two cents engraved by the mint.
I agree that they labled it conspiracy theory to deflect that a few wealthy men do in fact get together and run things in their own interests but it's what I am left with.


I agree that they labled it conspiracy theory to deflect that a few wealthy men do in fact get together and run things in their own interests but it's what I am left with.


Take for example, His articles put together repetitive symbols that are pretty consistant with media & how it is rubbed in our faces.
The fact that the same symbols are everywhere in diffrent places of business gives me a pretty good idea that a handful of either very intelligent people/aliens just might be running this so called world/dimension.

This could be all in my head but it is also interesting to point out that stories & myths of dragons & gods had to have a base somewhere.

Damn reptilians, always f*cking with my mind.


Well-Known Member
There is no "conspiracy" in the way that most people take this word to mean.

Several days ago I was driving in Tijuana. I was near the line to get across the border and I was trying to get two lanes over in order to make a left turn at an intersection. The first of these two lanes, was full of cars waiting to cross the road to get toward the border waiting line. I must have waited 10 minutes to get into that lane and not a single motorist was willing to allow me to get in. One could almost say they were conspiring against me to keep me from getting where I was going. Our society is competitive.

Another form of conspiracy is purely philosophical. Some people simply think a certain way. With purely left brain reasoning and the belief that the human mind is capable of grasping the totality of the dimension in which we exist (Aristotelian), some people reject anything that does not conform to the established laws of nature. Some people (Ayers) call this logical positivism and some call it methodological naturalism. Someone with this way of thinking will almost certainly bash heads with a person who thinks as Plato's cave allegory would demonstrate, that our minds are simply not capable of grasping all as our senses gather information within fine parameters. These two perspectives will almost certainly lead a person to take a side when witnessing a debate according to which they agree with. They are not conspiring, they are simply sticking to what they comprehend.

Just my two pieces of copper worth more than the sum two cents engraved by the mint.
I always thought people would pace cars to their side that were slow to keep me from getting where i was going. I always thought it was a conspiracy
Then a freind of mine bragged about doing the exact behaviour just to piss off drivers behind her