The Tin Foil Hat Meeting down at the docks


Well-Known Member
I offer a safe haven to discuss our whacky theories with the goal of collectively opening our minds to things we haven't either stumbled upon or had the time or energy to delve into deeper. Don't be shy! bongsmilie

I'll start. I am so close to believing as very plausible most of David Icke and Michael Tsarion's

theories. I am still wavering on how close to Scientology it is but then all religions have been

corrupted for evil. I haven't ruled out that a man named Jesus said :finger: to the Romans so why not

Alien's trapped on Earth? Speaking of Aliens, that is my blind spot right now... are their really aliens

buried on the moon and is it fake? I know C R A Z Y :roll:


Well-Known Member
I don't there's a lot of theories. Personally I believe that the Teachings of Islam is the right religion. They don't believe that Jesus was Gods son and just a over powered prophet. At least to my knowledge.

And as far as David Icke I believe most of what he says but there are some things he says that are just far out there that I can't say I can totally get and support.

The government is corrupt in all ways using manipulation through mind control on an entire country with power spreading all over the globe. I wouldn't be surprised to hear about them keeping something on the moon that we don't know about.

Yeah we show launches online but do we always see if something leaves the planet? But personally I've never heard any theories like that. Only things concerning the New World Order and such. Indeed our government and our world leaders are corrupt and evil.

We are fundamentally fucked, like cows let out to graze, fattening us up. The more people poor, in debt, working, families, etc...the more profit they make. We are only dollar signs to them and our needs are not in their best interests.


Well-Known Member
I don't there's a lot of theories. Personally I believe that the Teachings of Islam is the right religion. They don't believe that Jesus was Gods son and just a over powered prophet. At least to my knowledge.

And as far as David Icke I believe most of what he says but there are some things he says that are just far out there that I can't say I can totally get and support.

The government is corrupt in all ways using manipulation through mind control on an entire country with power spreading all over the globe. I wouldn't be surprised to hear about them keeping something on the moon that we don't know about.

Yeah we show launches online but do we always see if something leaves the planet? But personally I've never heard any theories like that. Only things concerning the New World Order and such. Indeed our government and our world leaders are corrupt and evil.

We are fundamentally fucked, like cows let out to graze, fattening us up. The more people poor, in debt, working, families, etc...the more profit they make. We are only dollar signs to them and our needs are not in their best interests.
We're on the same page. I just refuse anymore to not believe anything until proof it is C R A Z Y... I mean not more than a decade ago I thought Weed = Bad :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
It was that stupid DARE class wasn't it. Weed is the least our worries although it is one of my top priorities, our country is slowly turning into a police state. More surveillance watching us and more ways to penalize and take from the hard working middle and lower classes. Some things never change, rich get richer and poor get poorer.


New Member

I'll start. I am so close to believing as very plausible most of David Icke and Michael Tsarion's

I am all for being open minded and I am called crazy by the authoritarians a lot myself but David Icke is fucking crazy, I am sorry just don't buy the lizardman, and he goes into the forest and talks to tribal people and has little tangible evidence, much conjecture, connects way to many dots that shouldn't be connected. Aside from that he does understand liberty but hes crazier then a box of rocks and so is Scientology, no offense. You can be too opened minded....a gray newspaper clipping from the 1920's with a vague mention of something who knew somebody who thought this happened yet has no evidence or whatever...these are very lose connections and its important to recognize these, David Icke and friends consistently make these type of connections. You see you have to look at the source and go from there, trace the same steps he has made in his research and you will see, the internet is at your fingertips.


Well-Known Member
We have alien technology and have for years, T.V.'s and cell phones etc are all derived from alien tech that has been reverse engineered so we will believe that humans invented it, that's why they come out with shitty versions first to make it seem plausible, The terminator movie is a glimpse of things to come

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
We have alien technology and have for years, T.V.'s and cell phones etc are all derived from alien tech that has been reverse engineered so we will believe that humans invented it, that's why they come out with shitty versions first to make it seem plausible, The terminator movie is a glimpse of things to come
We've had computers which could do Skynet for over 30 years, maybe 40. The problem is we can't figure out the method/type( algorithms) to make it happen. Human's and even lesser animals have ways of making associations and applying logical constructs using imperfect information. Programmers are just beginning to do such only recently because memory is so cheap and rational database matching has been known and been refined for decades, like what Google does. Amazon, Netflicks and even your grocery store are profiling you in ways beyond what your actions are on those sites by making assumptions upon your behavior and using psychology theories which is then datamined and sold to the highest bidder, including law enforcement. It's not really that complicated but a far cry from real artificial intelligence like we humans have or other animals. We barely know swarm theory, which we use to track internet traffic and route it as efficiently as possible so fewer lags happen.


Well-Known Member
We have alien technology and have for years, T.V.'s and cell phones etc are all derived from alien tech that has been reverse engineered so we will believe that humans invented it, that's why they come out with shitty versions first to make it seem plausible, The terminator movie is a glimpse of things to come
I wanna say yes and no to your comment only because I don't really believe in aliens or outter beings. There are pieces of evidence that say beings from another planet had come to us years ago according to carvings and things. The technology however you are spot on, the government is years ahead in technology but the tech that is available to us usually has some parameters or something to make it usable and non-threatening. In the mean time they are using the same tech and trying to make weapons and other things to us it as a form of control.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Because its worth being open minded to new things and you were curious but then realized that you're happier listening to Kanye West and supporting tyranny.
I'm very open minded. I've read and agree with much of Charles Fort. Few even know who he is.


Well-Known Member
It was that stupid DARE class wasn't it. Weed is the least our worries although it is one of my top priorities, our country is slowly turning into a police state. More surveillance watching us and more ways to penalize and take from the hard working middle and lower classes. Some things never change, rich get richer and poor get poorer.
Naw, I was locked down in catholic school, we had the fear of god and guilt we didn't need DARE! My poor dear uninformed cannabis ignorant folks as a matter of fact just rushed out here litterally drove across the entire country from NNY to Nor Cal after hearing I did indeed fall prey to the evil hippies and their reefer to put me into a weed rehab (do they exist?) for at least a year because that is how long it would take to heal my brain... :wall:


NNY = North of Upstate = most folks don't know we are there and those that do call us the Deliverance of the North


Well-Known Member
Because its worth being open minded to new things and you were curious but then realized that you're happier listening to Kanye West and supporting tyranny.

Nice... didn't know who kanye was for a second but he did something to make all the not really news recently so I guess sell out rapper used by those in charge as a diversion from those in Underground Rap that they Really don't want folks to hear?


Well-Known Member

my favorite conspiracy
Exhibit A

He wrote a chapter called "The New Aeon" back in 1904. FDR was so impressed with the teachings of Crowley he put an image Crowley designed on the back of the dollar bill. The Eye in the triangle now on the one dollar bill was created by Crowley. It is the eye of Horus (a demon) looking through the pyramid signifying a day when we are all watched by big brother under the New World Order. Around it are the words "Annuit Coeptis Novus Ordo Seclorum" Which in Latin says "Announcing The Birth Of The New Order Of The Ages."

Exhibit B


Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Exhibit A

He wrote a chapter called "The New Aeon" back in 1904. FDR was so impressed with the teachings of Crowley he put an image Crowley designed on the back of the dollar bill. The Eye in the triangle now on the one dollar bill was created by Crowley. It is the eye of Horus (a demon) looking through the pyramid signifying a day when we are all watched by big brother under the New World Order. Around it are the words "Annuit Coeptis Novus Ordo Seclorum" Which in Latin says "Announcing The Birth Of The New Order Of The Ages."

Exhibit B

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I thought Horus was a good egyptian god?


Well-Known Member
Right after the woman in the video mentions she knew about cloning and sheep beforehand, she mentions she also knew about mosquitoes and H.I.V. beforehand.

That's all I needed to hear, even though I listened to the rest of her bullshit.

She is a Lyndon LaRouche plant. :-P

They are the only ones perpetuating the baseless connection between mosquitoes and H.I.V. anymore.

Actual legitimate scientists dismissed that claim years ago. Mosquitoes cannot transmit H.I.V.

A LaRouche plant has ZERO credibility.
Anyone know what this dude's talking of? I haven't heard any mosquito/aids conspiracy theories or LaRouche plant...


Well-Known Member
I believe the state was created under the lie that it was necessary by men who wanted power. I believe these collectivist actions created power structures which could rule over others. In order for others not to be trampled and to fight for human rights, they started collectivist governments in order to keep the other collectivist assholes at bay. This created a whole cluster fuck of collectivism, leading people to believe that they must fight for their rights and that they need their collectivist government to protect them from other collectivist groups. I think humanity is having a war right now, collectivism v. collectivism. The moment we realize that we don't need power structures we will begin the true paradigm shift into freedom and individualism. The true revolution will be a world wide revolution where the people stand up and destroy their governments, replacing them with nothing. This will end war and oppression.

you guys are crazy bongsmilie