The teenager who asked tattooist for THREE stars on her face and ended up with 56


Well-Known Member
The teenager who asked tattooist for THREE stars on her face and ended up with a constellation

A teenage girl is suing a tattoo artist for £10,000 after she allegedly asked him for three stars on her face - but ended up with 56.

Eighteen-year-old Kimberley Vlaminck paid £55 for 'the graffiti that has ruined my life' in her Belgian home town of Courtrai.

She claimed the Romanian tattooist who performed the artwork misunderstood her French and English.

She claims she fell asleep while he was doing his work... and awoke to 'this nightmare'.
'It is terrible for me,' said Kimberley. 'I cannot go out on to the street, I am so embarrassed. I just look horrible.'
'I think he didn’t understand what I wanted. He spoke only fractured English and French.

'But I explicitly said in my native tongue, French, and also in a little bit of English when he looked confused, that I wanted three little stars only near my left eye.'
Rouslan Toumaniantz, who runs the tattoo parlour called The Tattoo Box in Courtrai, denies her claim.
He said she knew 'exactly what she wanted'.
He added: 'She was awake and looked into the mirror several times as the procedure was taking place.

'The trouble all started when she went home and her father and boyfriend threw a fit.
'They are saying things now like I doped her or hypnotised her. What rubbish!

'She asked for 56 stars and that’s what she got.'
To remove the stars would require surgery costing £8,500.
But even the most advanced laser techniques would, while removing the tattoos, leave deep white marks all across Kimberley's face.
She has launched legal proceedings against Toumaniantz seeking damages, plus the money for the operation.

He was questioned by police earlier this year but they decided it was a civil matter and that there was nothing they could do.
Jules Clocher, a Belgian psychologist, said: 'The trauma this girl must be feeling is indescribable. She feels like a circus freak - and no wonder, because she looks like one.'

If i were her, i'd remove that belt buckle... pronto.


Well-Known Member
Why would she ask for anything on her face? What a dumb ass....I would make her wear them until she was 30.


stays relevant.
This girl is a liar, no way in hell she fell asleep while having her face tattooed. She 'woke up' when she realized how dumb she looks with all of that crap on her face... The irony in all of this is her belt buckle.


New Member
i just seen this on the news, strange 1 there, i sure would have known if i was having any more than 3!!!!!!!!! anyway BONEMAN can u offer some of ur knowlage plz, i need some advice if u can help????????


stays relevant.
Look at her skin, she obviously has some condition she was trying to cover up... and now she is trying to blame someone else for her dumb mistake. I hope they laugh and turn her away.


Well-Known Member
She claims she fell asleep durring the application? Jesus, that's one tough woman.
That's horse pucky.

Nobody falls asleep during a tattoo...least of all one on your face.

She thought it a better idea when drunk perhpas...sobered home...everyone she wants to play the victim?


stays relevant.
Language could not be used as a barrier, a tattoo should be seen before applied, and I'm pretty sure it was. I can't stand people trying to sue AFTER they realize they screwed up THEMSELVES.


Well-Known Member
i doubt it's true that she fell asleep, but if it were possible, if she did, that's pretty rude! poor romanian bloke

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
she was probably drunk out of her mind, and asked for 56 stars, and thats what she got. Why would she try and use such a ridiculous story....i dont see how you would fall asleep during 56 stars being carved in your face....unless you blacked out drunk...


Well-Known Member
How about "I got tattoos on my face, and now I regret it, so I'm going to sue... Someone shoot me!"
haha, yea. that's more appropriate.

either way she's screwed. and deservedly so. i would never, ever think that was a good idea. even if she got them removed, that's going to leave a mark.
