The REAL "Recipe for Crack Hash" Thread!!!

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Well-Known Member
**Yes, I do know that kief is called skuff sometimes. But where I’m from, the leftovers of a plant were always called skuff to me growing up. So, that’s what I call it and that sums that up before it's started :-P !!**

Here’s what I do guys when I make my infamous “crack hash”, it always turns out “decent” (which in my neck of the woods means “good”). Which is kinda strange because essentially…. It’s nothing but creating a marijuana bud using powder made from itself? I know, sounds weird… but it’s the most potent parts of the plant you’re using to make you’re hash – only it will have a small amount of “cut” in it (which all hash does, IMPOSSIBLE to keep it STRAIGHT trichomes IMO). Remember this is not for making pure hash oil, or butter, or THE GREATEST hash ever known or to be seen by the eye of the one God in Japan… this my friend is for making 1 hour, CRACK HASH!

This is just for the guys who grow and smoke as well… really, you don’t even have to grow but it if THAT IS the case then you’re just one of the many people that love good marijuana or hash and don’t mind paying for it. And for the growers, nothing more than a way of making all your “scrap” after (and during) harvest into some GOOD smoke on the side – hairs and small amounts of vegetation are welcomed in this recipe, as this is a “crack hash” and there will be some cut!!

Here are the tools you will need….
- Three piece grinder with screen and kief catcher
- Marijuana or marijuana skuff (leftovers – leaves, branches, etc.)
- A Freezer (w/coffee cup and ice cubes)
- The sifter for flour (like you use with baking)
- Wax Paper
- A “Pollen Pusher” (the things that are made to push kief together into a “nug”)
- A HOT hairdryer or butane lighter

Here is how I get my “kief”…


1. Smokers - Grind every bud you get with your grinder! Then grind it again, these new grinders they got now are incredible and turn breaking up weed into practically dust ON THEIR OWN! EVERYTIME you go to capture (or pull out) your bud from the screen, rub it around a little (don’t be scared to put a little pressure), tap on the screen with all the fine bud you have, rub it around again, twisting, turning, etc. I went as far as getting something flat on the top (a big marker) and pushing the broke up bud all over the screen, in all different directions, atleast I did on on the first go around! This is best done IMO with the grinder about half way full and just doing this over and over until it seems like you’re not catching anymore “kief” in your catcher on the bottom. Do the same thing(s) with your homeboy’s weed too, when he ask if you want to smoke a blunt – say “HELL YEA, CHECK OUT THIS NEW GRINDER WE CAN USE TOO!”… little will he know (if he’s just an uneducated stoner – which A LOT ARE!) is while your breaking up the buds you two are about to blaze, you’re saving the best shit off HIS bud for a later time!!! Awesomeness…. Especially if it’s some good goodie and he’ll let you!

2. Growers – I do the SAME thing as I said for the smokers to do pretty much! When I cop some skunk (in between a grow, or someone comes to blaze their weed with me), I just grind it ALL down at one time – makes it easier/quicker to pack bowls, bongs, blunts, etc. too! It’s already de-seeded (if it happens to be seedy weed and you pick them all out) and all ready to pack and smoke (put it in a medicine bottle – that’s what I do)! I also do this same procedure with every FIM I get, every topping, every trim, and every leaf throughout the grow (dead or alive)! At the end of my harvest, everything gets cut, dried properly, frozen for 30 mins and then goes through this process of collecting the kief. ONE of my average size buds (the one that seems like it has the MOST crystals and so on – but NOT the biggest) will go through this along with all of my skuff (SOMETIMES a couple buds :P) - same exact process JUST to top it off. By the time it’s all said and done, I’ll have me a decent collection (small jars worth) of “crack kief” that’s ready for pressing!

The thing about “crack hash” is it sells good, taste good and it gets you high as hell but it’s cut – JUST like crack, hence the name! (Because it’s being made by someone who is not being completely anal about veg matter being in there hash!) And it sells just because of the given name of HASH. It’s never seen around my way, so when my quarters start coming out, the “Heads” come running!!

How to cook/press the kief into hash….
• Rip off two pieces of your wax paper and lie them on the ends of the cylinders in the pollen pusher (this keeps your weed from sticking to the cylinders after cooking/cooling

• Pore the kief into your pollen press (I usually weigh out grams of the kief and press them individually, it usually comes out to about the size/shape of a quarter)

• Tighten down the ends of the pollen press until you cannot press/turn anymore.

• Now I use a butane torch/lighter first, while holding it with a wet wash cloth on one end. I torch the hell out of the middle of the pollen pusher until I can feel the heat threw the washcloth. Then I tighten some more (it WILL tighten more, trust me) and repeat the same process.

• Next I tighten yet again (if I can – YOU CAN DOOO IIIT!!!) before putting it infront of the hairdryer!

• Now let it sit infront of that hot blow dryer on high for around 5-10 mins, letting the hash cook even more.

• As soon as you deem an appropriate time, go throw it in the freezer until it is “iced beer” cold (the touch of a beer can that’s been in pure ice for hours “mmmmmmm beeeeeeeerrr” – Homer from “The Simpsons”). - this usually only takes a minute or so! DON'T LET IT FREEZE!! Just enough to get it cool again.

• Unscrew your presser and taaaadaaaa!!!! You should have a quarter shaped pressed piece of hash!! It should be almost ROCK hard and crumble like a rock. If you’ve followed these instructions carefully then this is what you’ll have. Promise. You may have to razor blade it off one of the drums in the presser (but not if you used your wax paper – SLACKER!), sometimes I have to but it’s nothing once the “freezingness” goes away from going straight boiling to ice cold.

Give this shit a try, don't be turned away from it because of how unscientifically it is made - this shit makes your poop weed, or even good weed into some CRACK! (makes good bud better IMO) Sorry I don’t have photos of the whole process; reason being is because of where I’m living I have to do this type of shit on the low (Hence the two SMALL, undercover grow boxes!!) so I could only take pics of the things I could do in my room (plus I don't have 3 arms to take pictures of some of the process) Just some photos of my new piece that's changing colors (I know, nothing to do with the post), me kief’n out the “seedy buds”, sifting and the final press.
Good Luck!!!! :leaf: Smoke on!

The Poop WEED!!!!


I have the cooking time to a science!!! PERFECT texture, smell and taste..... yum!



Well-Known Member
you should try the dry ice hash. It's very fast and very clean. I'm pressing one now will post a pic in a few.


Well-Known Member
You like? Pretty simple, yet productive shit huh? Just kind of threw it together and have always stuck with it! Though, I USED to do it in an oven, this way is faster, easier and therefor more productive. And I can do it ALL undercover... Yeeeaaaaa man! :joint:


Well-Known Member
the top one is fresh off the press the other is a mix of bubble and dry ice. the single is the mix. I can't get very good pic's with this camera.



Well-Known Member
I do basically the same thing, but what I do is i take a soda bottle (you know the 2 liter kind) and I run it against a cheese grater and mix that into the poop weed before I press and cook it. I find the 2 liter plastic gives it that sitcky icky feel and makes people really high. -Don't hate-

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member
I don't think I would ever really want to make this...with great ways to make bubble hash, edibles and tinctures I think I would have my hands full with higher priorities...



Well-Known Member
looks like way too much plant material in that stuff. But it sticks together so whatever, better than no hash. :)


Well-Known Member
I do basically the same thing, but what I do is i take a soda bottle (you know the 2 liter kind) and I run it against a cheese grater and mix that into the poop weed before I press and cook it. I find the 2 liter plastic gives it that sitcky icky feel and makes people really high. -Don't hate-
i cant help but hate man... thats the worst idea ever.


Well-Known Member
Id rather smoke just the kief..look at the stems even...not appealing at all..get sum pvc and a can of vector...oil or wax..that stuff there looks like a jiffy peat plug! I could pop some beans in it!


Well-Known Member
why not just dry seive some buds and press that in a press with out all the torching just twist your press every hour or so and leave it in a warm area

all this amounts to is self glorified pressed kief and shake


Well-Known Member
why not just dry seive some buds and press that in a press with out all the torching just twist your press every hour or so and leave it in a warm area

all this amounts to is self glorified pressed kief and shake
Exactly.... and that was said throughout the ENTIRE post. I told you, this was just some JUNK weed anyways. If you get good buds (which I usually have - was just broke around the time of making this) and then do the SAME procedure, you have hash. This SPECIFICALLY was really for just a cheap, easy, quick, understandable way of making some hash without using a ass load of steps and accessories.

I just don't understand why people can't take something for what it is.... did anyone even read the title or the post? Or did they just look at the pictures? Yes, their is "cut/veg" matter in it. That's why this thread is called "HOW TO MAKE CRACK HASH" instead of "HOW TO MAKE KILLER BUBBLE HASH" or something of the sort. Take it for what it is, take that shit weed and turn it into THIS EXACT THING. Or take you some "real kief" and do the same procedure, bet you'll have hash.......

Or better yet.... use your OWN technique! But why come on my thread and be an ass about something you're not going to do anyways? Guess people like to talk the talk and not walk the walk. Atleast I TRIED to help the people out there try to make something out of nothing! Unless you've done the same, kick rocks.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
So thats it? Your recipe for killer crack hash? Thats just hash bro...with tons of plant material inside and no speration of tricome.size.... But thanks


Well-Known Member
I do basically the same thing, but what I do is i take a soda bottle (you know the 2 liter kind) and I run it against a cheese grater and mix that into the poop weed before I press and cook it. I find the 2 liter plastic gives it that sitcky icky feel and makes people really high. -Don't hate-
What? You sell people melted plastic to smoke? Karma's gonna give you a tumor or something.
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