The Late Night (venting) Thread, Get it off ur chest here.


Well-Known Member
whats mase gonna do against pure evil... you need a fucken gun and shoot that asshole right in his dome... need be of course. I am pretty sure you need to be more careful. You might of came across one of these schizophrenic potheads im so randomly hearing about these days! lolll oh nah mah bad thats only in the UK haha jk
1 word...PRISON.

You gotta realize when girls tell storys like that, guys think their over exagerated and think oh shes just a girl being scared of stupid things.
Especially when hes fucked up
Very true! u GOTTA break it down for him, put some passion in it and calm down.

i dont let my girl out past dark by herself no way... lol shes too short some asshole would stuff her in a duffle bag and be on his way. There is some craazy crazies in this world too... just when you think you heard some fucked up shit.. some even more fucked up shit comes along and your like damn thats fuckeddd up lol

u must live a VERY secluded life. i have nights i dont remember in Vegas, where i woke up with monee i didnt have, but shit im SURE it was fun.


Active Member
lol i didnt mean that literally ... and plus i got a kid we dont go out past dark... its just not possible. She doesnt wanna go out even after working 5 days a week she would rather spend time with the family... very family oriented around here. I just like to joke. Thats what stoners do best next to smoke.


Active Member
unfortunately im a stay at home dad... it works well for me i work from home... which is the reason why i have so much time to be on RIU. So you were right about seclusion. This is true ... haha
Ive been out alot later then 10:30 and truth is we live in the hood so i can say im pretty street smart ... i just dont know what happend ..... he said he was sorry for not being sensitive about my feelings , said he's mad at himself for asking me to go .. but this really fucked me up


Well-Known Member
Ive been out alot later then 10:30 and truth is we live in the hood so i can say im pretty street smart ... i just dont know what happend ..... he said he was sorry for not being sensitive about my feelings , said he's mad at himself for asking me to go .. but this really fucked me up

It was a common accident on his part, u need to invest in a LIl sumthin tho if u stay in a degraded area. taser, mace, stun gun, they r all VERY available. and VERY effective, ive been maced PLENTY more than once and the good stuff will put u down, never been tazed but my buddy did he said it was prety fukin bad, he didnt even remember


Well-Known Member
Just got in from work a little while ago. Passed up the weed and went straight to the JACK....Nerves were totally shot.

I drive an 18 wheeler and make night deliveries. I am so sick and tired of people cutting me off, drifting into my lane, not paying attention that I am there next to them as they chat on the cell phone or texting their version of War and Peace to someone. If there is a car lenght and 6 inches between me and another car, some idiot will try to get in there only to change lanes again.

"Oh, did I mention that I transporting 9,600 gallons of GASOLINE when all this is going on!!!!!

People, please be aware of your surroundings when driving and when you see a tanker on the highway, chances are that they are not transporting KY Jelly to Hugh Heffners house:mrgreen:

If you see a tanker with a red diamond sticker on the side with the numbers "1203" you just passed a bomb waiting to go off!!

Well I vented, had my dbl jack & I will hit the Hand Grenade...Ohhhhh, I feel better now..

Great thread



Well-Known Member

Thank You...People just don't realize the risk they put me and themselves in. My girlfriend worries herself to death about my job and wants me to quit but its the highest paying gig in town. And with 1200.oo a month to pay in child support, I gotta do what I gotta do.


Well-Known Member
You know what's been buggin the shit outta me? That McDonalds commercial where the guy keeps saying, "don't even talk to me until I've had my coffee."

If somebody said that to me, I'd talk their fucking ear off, then kick their dog, and piss on their grandma's grave. Btw, that's only halfway towards bitter for me. Lol.