The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
You should try dm'ing some peeps here u have a on terms with if they have spare to donate
the lads im cosher enough with on here havent been seen for a while otherwise i would. ah im gonna try cut back slightly call
I build all my from China kits and they work great fuck paying retail for stuff/lights we are to smart here and if not we can ask a friend
yeah man same. ive built 2 now, the 3rd came from kingbright and the other 2 i sourced LED strips from Digikey and was so cheap cheaper then kingbright.

I spray foamed my shed cost alot but worth every penny I can have frost on the roof and 28 in the flower room in a 7 x 12 shed even the back of the door is sprayed
im going doing my attic build and wish i could spray foam as insulation but it would be too dodgy getting some random room in an attic insulated lol. the room will be insulated with rockwool instead.


Well-Known Member
Had to take a break and visit the outdoor site, they put me in better form haha any idea when I should start to see the switch?

Got the vent made, just gotta fit it and paint it. Aint pretty but itll do the job!
Man im in a 4x10 concrete tomb of a shed its just over 6 tall



Well-Known Member
That neem oil is great stuff, had a mite problem start of the summer and it sorted em right out. Been misting em every now and then just to prevent em coming back.

Anyway today I was spritzing and a fuckin earwig appears outta nowhere, so I spray the fucker and in a matter of seconds it died. Kinda glad I didnt use it in a soil drench!