The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
nute solutions for this run...

have the veg nutes down but when i flip into flower whats recommended for hempy buckets ..

big bloom and molasses ?? need maximum flowers...


Well-Known Member
nute solutions for this run...

have the veg nutes down but when i flip into flower whats recommended for hempy buckets ..

big bloom and molasses ?? need maximum flowers...
Don't we all? Lol, keep her green and happy and she'll produce.

Do please use a complete fertiliser tho, it'd be better than coming on here in 2 weeks and saying your plants are turning yellow ;)

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
micro nutes aswell gotcha, so did i see an alternative to molasses a page or three ago i may have a read back, just what works best for the soil, might make my own soil for the next run as i`ll have the time or it, compost will do for now well sived and mixed with perlite into the hempy types with a 2" res at the bottom filled with perlite.

suppose its going to be trial and error until i get what really works best for my situation...

also upping the flowering lights to 1200w (600w times 2), this will help the chances for a good harvest, so that aside i need to figure out my timeing for perpetual growing now, i think a batch every 4 to 6 weeks is doable...


Well-Known Member
The risk of getting caught? That's why I ask, is it hard gettin stuff thru the post in Ireland? I heard on SR that some don't send to Ireland

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
The risk of getting caught? That's why I ask, is it hard gettin stuff thru the post in Ireland? I heard on SR that some don't send to Ireland

even if you courrier it the chances for clones are slim, but if you go ahead let us now if it got through, you could try it in a drinks bottle, cut top off place clone in there in its rockwool or soil base, place filler around this to keep soil tight, place top back and tape, box it and pad box away you go.... something like that....


Well-Known Member
even if you courrier it the chances for clones are slim, but if you go ahead let us now if it got through, you could try it in a drinks bottle, cut top off place clone in there in its rockwool or soil base, place filler around this to keep soil tight, place top back and tape, box it and pad box away you go.... something like that....
It'd probably start flowering if it was already rooted tho.


Well-Known Member
Im just about in the north of Ireland and I received some from across the water, they were fine. Was just wondering about if I sent them down south would they get thru ok

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
wouldn`t have taught that har... not that familiar with clones or how to deal with them tho so not surprised i didn`t know that hahahahaha...

how much improvement am i going to see under the 600w, like yeild estimates pulled little over an oz each last run with the big cfl`s...

so whats the est with a 600w would 3 oz a plant counting nutes wern`t a problem be an outlandish guess or am i under estimating what you guys are getting?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
use yes, send in the post

well not yet amyways mastergrow, so be intresting to see if they get through, seeds are shared which is a better economy i you ask me...