The Irish Growers Thread!

irish farmer

Active Member
Spam spam spam I want some more spam!! :lol: green eggs and spam plz!

Have u fellows ever heard of "Solartubes"? They install them from the exterior roof to your ceiling, and of course, it's a tube. It has a round dome on top, low profile and is the tube is reflective. It's an easy way to brighten any room quickly and cheaply, completely passive.
I was thinking a large one might be able to handle a pretty good sized plant. You can seal the ceiling end with a cap so no light comes out and conceals the plant.

Just a rough idea but some you wintering chaps might benefit. Surely if it did work, you would be finishing inside one right now.... rain be danged..... <----uh buggered?
Thats a right good idea. Those tubes are quiet easy to fit and inexpensive


New Member
Binga banga bongo... there you go... :lol: I've often thought of it, but I don't need it. :peace:

I imagine you could wrap insulation around the tube part in the attic, so as to keep it warm all day.


Well lads, just checking back in. i'm worried abpit one of my plants. here are two pics, the first taken two months ago and the second this morning. the plant on the left is taking ages, now bear in mind this plant started two weeks or so after the one on the right (both in may!!) and the one on the right looks ready to go into 12/12, they've both been on 18/6 since i got the light in july.

i pruned the left plant after the first pic was taken, but there should be more growth than that? i use no nutes as i wanted to avoid using them, just water and light.

you can see how the right plant has come on, should i start trimming her too? any advice??

you can also see two cuttings i've started in an effort to clone each plant, but i tried cloning before and it didnt work.




Fallen Buckshot

the plant on the right looks fine .. you shouldnt have trimmed the other one .. you could put the one on the right into flower now if ya want .. id advise hitting it with some kinda nutes tho... yer best bet is taking good cuttings from the top 2-3 nodes if you can..


I have to put them both into flower at the same time, as i've only one light. so i have to wait till one plant catches up. i used a cutting from the top of one plant and the bottom of the other, but time will tell if they clone or not.

any idea of yield from the plant on the right?

what nutes would you recommend? even at this late stage? i heard you cant put nutes in during flowering


New Member
U can nute during flowering..... u should nute during flowering. Use something which has less N and more K. P should always be present throughout the grow. :peace:


New Member
NPK Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potassium. The big three although it takes more than just those for a complete grow.

When you see a regular fert label those are the numbers....

The old fashioned way to grow (old fashioned because it works) is to start ur plants on a ratio fert of:
3N-2P-1K using those ratios something like a good veg fert would look like this on the label 6-4-2 (organic) or 30-20-10 (chemical fert). This promotes good growth and root structure.

Once in flower, you reverse the ratios. 1N-2P-3K. This promotes flower growth while maintaining the adult plant produced by the first fert.

3-2-1 then 1-2-3 Then smoke... :lol:

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
Whats the story lads, hows everyone keepin.

Plants are buddin up nice now since the weather has been SAVAGE lol There gettin about 7 hours of direct a day.

Been feeding them mirical grow ever other week and bio bizz 1-2 times a week.

Cant wait for this shit to be finished, be stoned out of the head till its all gone. Then its back to buyin spliff for rediculas prices lol

Ill throw up a few pic's after the dinner.


Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
I dont think so man, we i havnt seen anyting wrong with them because of temps. The super skunk has afgani hash plant genes so it can handle the temp change...i hope lol

Anyways heres the pic's i was supposed to through up, i ended up getting mega stoned yesterday so i wasnt arsed ha

To Arthur!:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Fucking nice richie, the auld outdoor doesnt look to bad at all! A mate has two plants outdoor he was showing me a pic on a camera phone couldnt see to much apart from that they were flowering so hopefylly they look as good as yours!

To Arthur

Fallen Buckshot

aye them sum dead gorgeous plants

had a few pints for Arthur and a shot of jemmys.. Sláinte !


hey pple just found this thread :D im from belfast, roughly how much would it cost to run a 250w hps hid per month, sweet plants richie hopfully i can get that result indoors :D

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
hey pple just found this thread :D im from belfast, roughly how much would it cost to run a 250w hps hid per month, sweet plants richie hopfully i can get that result indoors :D

Id say you would bairly notice a 250 on the electricity bill


Active Member
how ya doin?
just came upon this thread.
had to start growing coz weed around here is fuckin shit waist of money.
legal stuff is better!!!!!!!!

so anyway mine is

400w in soil 5th week 12/12 grow box WW
first timer!

the 6 babies are 2 WW, 2 bublegum and 2 superscunk 1 week old




Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
A friend of mines bird found a ganja plant lol I couldnt believe it! Just back there for havin a look at it. the thing is around 6foot looks sativa. its gettin fuck all light sitin in under some trees and shit, in a pot an all.

Ya ones thinkin of robin it, ill pass on that. Id go into a breakdown if my babies were stolen:neutral:

You would think who ever planted the thing they would leave it in a decient spot instead of nearly in plane view....Noobs:roll: