The Irish Growers Thread!


Active Member
toker get the hood and get the light closer. then change the nutes your using. your leaves look very dark so its probably an all in one nutes, you could really do with some flowering nutes mate. theres a touch of nitrogen burn, your not feeding with every water are you. just do water feed water feed etc. also make sure they are getting plenty of fresh air.
jingle the red deisel ppped the soil and compared to anything else i have grown the sprouts are tiny, i mean tiny! red stems aswell which is a first for me, very dark red!
coming along though, the topped skunk is taking the piss like the last one, the pistils down low brown up nicely then the tops take an eternity, but they have really started to swell this week. should be a very big yield. ill try get some pics up, just upto my tits sorting the airflow out for the new tent. 2 tents and a wordrobe in a BOXROOM dont mix at all!
thats a lovely grow alright tonto,


Well-Known Member
Fingers crossed ill get mine tomorrow or tuesday. Gonna pop 2 of them and the armagedon. Stuck a barneys blue cheese and barneys flower power auto outside ...i ahve to say they are looking sweet, 2 weeks old i think


Active Member
just hope the weather keeps up, although it was nice today!, hope they arrive ok for you jingle, i know there can be delays sometimes getting seeds, will be good to know how long yours take to arrive.
i still have stuff to plant out but havnt had the time to do it yet, ill have to travel to the quiet spot i picked. too many nosey neighbours, you cant fart without them coming out with air freshener! its that bad round here.


Well-Known Member
plants 6.JPGplants 3.JPGplants 4.JPGplants 8.JPGplants 7.JPGplants 5.JPGplants 10.JPGnew plants pic2.JPGhere some pics all autos except 3 which i have put them on 14 dark 12 light to get them to flower like the autos as no humping them in and out at night and in morning

plants 9.JPGnew plant pics1.JPG


Active Member
luciferateme thanks for the advice il get new nuits for the 2 week old and see if there is much difference. since i noticed the nitrogen burn i only feed on the 3rd water. would it be to late to get flowering nutes for the bigger one its 9 wks n friday which is how long it says it takes on the box but i think it'l take a few more weeks.


Well-Known Member
just chopped the fuck out of my big plants if they die they die did not want big ones this year thts why go auto short stuff got the five o by mistake all rest of plants are looking great budding well gono keep the big ones i cut away down on 16 dark and 12 light and if no sighn of budding just scrap them 1 i did not cut alot of as it was not to big lol


Active Member
thanks darren its budding about a week they were due to finished on fri which would be 9weeks i'd say another few weeks wat u think.


Well-Known Member
yes i would say so my autos were same due to frost should have been ready but they are coming on brill big fat buds going to give them few more weeks and weather going to be sunny so that will help as well

i did take pics to day but sun was very bright will take some tomorow again pics are in next page but will add better ones tomorow


Active Member
im doing mine indoors do the still get done around the 9 week mark outside.what plants you got mine are diesel ryder


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, get that CFL like 1.5 inches away from the plant tho, they really need to be close for big buds, but they will provide!


Well-Known Member
well got some ak47 and himaly blue diesel for got wht others are all short stuff autos execpt five o fem got 3 of them should be same time if weather is good , i take some good pics tomorow and let u see diesel ones i have budding and lots of chystals