The growing paranoia


New Member
Okay like Idk about all you guys but when I plant my seeds like the whole 3-7 days before it sprouts SCARES ME TO DEATH. I check the plants like every 4 hours to See if it's sprouted yet and it's only been 2 days lol. Idk... You think it will still grow? I mean I KNOW average is 1-7 days but It would just help if someone told me "everythings going to be fine" haha does anyone else get the "growing paranoia?"


Well-Known Member
Okay like Idk about all you guys but when I plant my seeds like the whole 3-7 days before it sprouts SCARES ME TO DEATH. I check the plants like every 4 hours to See if it's sprouted yet and it's only been 2 days lol. Idk... You think it will still grow? I mean I KNOW average is 1-7 days but It would just help if someone told me "everythings going to be fine" haha does anyone else get the "growing paranoia?"
I'm waiting on my first purchased seeds to sprout right now so I know exactly what you're talking about. Always checking to see if they're moist enough and that they'll be ok.

I little stressful.


Well-Known Member
Did ya germinate 'em first? If not, it'll take a little longer, closer to 6 days for them to sprout. If you germed them, it's only take one or two.


New Member
Yeah nah I didn't germinate them lol. I put them In a damp cloth for like a day and got bored. But my soils all nice and moist. It's been 2 1/2 days.