The "Explain your name" thread


Well-Known Member
Atrumblood: acutally two words. Atrum-Blood

Atrum means dark in latin.
and blood is english for blood. i dunno im high.


Well-Known Member
I always end up without a lighter by the end of the day, either it gets ganked or I lose it. I'll be getting ready to spark a blunt or bowl, check my pockets... "I.NeeD.A.LiGhTeR". Usually I get handed my own lighter, lol. Fucking stoners... :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Ha pretty cool thread, I did underground construction for 10 years the laborors called me Loco Bossman. Then I went to work as a locomotive engineer so it got shortened to just locoman.


stays relevant.
GrowTech because I've always been helping people with their grow... Sort of like a cable technician, but for dope plants :)

and I would also like to add another video... hero of the day- by metallica. enjoy!


Well-Known Member
b4 I got sick in high school I was a football football team started calling me Goose, then the whole school. And to this day...everyone still does, even my's kinda weird. But I like


Well-Known Member
a psychiatric term for the inability to take pleasure from seemingly pleasureable things. Havnt we all been there? I was acctually diagnosed as schizoaffective disorder 5 years ago and was told I dont have to work anymore. But thread.


Well-Known Member
I made the name i have in 7th grade.

soooo long ago.

purple- fave color

kitty- fave animal. purplecat didn't sound right to me. cats are fave animal.
especially leopards and cheetahs.

777- my fave number is 7

2008- the year i graduated high school.
Wow ok. Way back in the day we found this new connect to get some high grade "Alaskan Thunderfuck" supposedly. Long story short we met with the connect, and the weed was pretty much green bammer seeds and all. The guy lived in a white trash town (at the time) called Cornelius. So from that day on any time we got some below average weed we called it Cornelius Thunderfuck.


Well-Known Member
Given to me during Desert storm, me and another Marine called all the airstrikes in on the 6th ring motorway in Kuwait..
10 miles of death and destruction, nothing survived, when we got back to our unit everyone starting calling me Hemlock, the most deadly poison known to man, Kill'em all let God sort'em out!!!!!!