the end is near for the USA

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Active Member
FRANCE!!!!!frenchy!! your country fights wars by sticking both hands up in the air we surrender we bailed you out twice this past century, now i heard everything, backpacked there got to admit it was cool!! great food
LMAO. If it wasn't for France there would be no America. We gave you democracy, your welcome.

Good job fuckstick. :clap:


Well-Known Member
hey fucking frenchy.... oh ok thx dood .. hay jackass how many americans died on your beaches???WW2... fuckstick thas so 80s.... you guys let the germans kick your ass in two weeks correct??? that makes good pub conversation in france how we got are ass kicked in ww2......then the other half of your pussass country sided with the nazis and turned in there jews!! genocide and french fries yum yum go eat horse meat


Active Member
hey fucking frenchy.... oh ok thx dood .. hay jackass how many americans died on your beaches???
Not enough. To bad your dad wasn't among them.

fuckstick thas so 80s
Point? You want something modern?

you guys let the germans kick your ass in two weeks correct??? How imbaresing......then the other half of your pussass country sided with the nazis and turned in there jews!!
What's "imbaresing," is English is your first and primarily language and you can't even speak it correctly. Big fucking deal, that happened what does that mean now? Last I checked it's 2009.


Well-Known Member
im not even looking, at spelling who cares ??? you know what i said, right jerkoff?? but hey the french legion is looking for some surrender cowards like yourself . my father wasnt there but my grandfather was and mostlike fucked your mom in her ass!! are you my poop brother??? oh yeahh is that your girl in the thumbnail shes hot!!


Well-Known Member
I'm not even looking, at spelling who cares ??? you know what i said, right jerk off?? but hay the French legion is looking for some surrender cowards like yourself . my father wasn't there but my grandfather was and most like fucked your mom in her ass!! are you my poop brother??? oh yeah
please stop before you embarrass every english speaking person there is.
i corrected your spelling, if-in-case you want to see how your post would look if written by an adult.


Well-Known Member
Who FUCKING CARES ABOUT THE SPELLING!!!!!! IS That all you pussy nerds have to say??? GOD i want to pound your face in! please come to philly some day and tell me were to meet you.


Active Member
im not even looking, at spelling who cares ???
Apprently other English speaking people? Lol.

you know what i said, right jerkoff??
Yes, I understood your poorly strung together sentences.

but hey the french legion is looking for some surrender cowards like yourself .
Some "surrender cowards," like me? Go get a vesactomy if isn't to late already.

mostlike fucked your mom in her ass!! are you my poop brother???
If your grandfather was there, why would my mother be there? Dumbass.


Well-Known Member
tinyturtle??? thats embarrassing, WHy waiste the fucking time, checking all the spelling, im burning bud also... Dont give fuck!!! .. IM JUST TALKING TO A BUNCH OF POT HEADS FU as long as you know what i said..


Well-Known Member
Because she is a old french non leg shaving seahag ....... Spelling good enough to piss you off french coward!!! Please come to america so i can beat your ass


Active Member
Because she is a old french non leg shaving seahag .......
Oh, I see, makes perfect sense.

"Your mother was a hamster you silly English type person and your father smelled of elderberries."

Spelling good enough to piss you off french coward!!!
You didn't piss me off, you're fucking hilarious.

Please come to america so i can beat your ass
Yea, I'm gonna get right on that.

"Boohoo someone said some nasties to me on teh internetz forum, I'm gonna beat them up, yes I is!"



Well-Known Member
tinyturtle??? thats embarrassing, WHy waiste the fucking time, checking all the spelling, im burning bud also... Dont give fuck!!! .. IM JUST TALKING TO A BUNCH OF POT HEADS FU as long as you know what i said..
just saying. i feel embarrassed by you.
as an american, you epitomize the failure of our school system.
i could let it slide if you were a 5th grader (wich you still might be. who can tell?), but as an american adult you should take at least SOME pride in what you do.
or say.
or anything.
if any of us was to go to philly so you could pound my face in. i would have to meet you where you live, as i have doubts regarding your ability to read street signs.


Well-Known Member
Time for dinner , it was fun see all you french and anti americans later. oh wait... i better do a spelling check... LIKE I SAID WHO FUCKING CARES!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
who cares as long as i can take youre glass eye out and skull fuckyou, spelling spelling spelling i have a check right here...Why would i waiste my time on a bunch of pot heads like myself? This site is a joke! i dont care if i piss any of you off! I will take on all comers bring it to philly.Spelling?? didnt stop me from being rich?? :clap::spew:


New Member
I was rolling my eyes at JT the personal attack champion. I don't give a shit about anyone named dave.

The powers of comprehension...........

see, he said he is a personal trainer to someone who was in the green mile.
David Morse, who was in that movie. is the only one that lives near philly.
the powers of deduction and research.
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