the EC tally

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Hopefully I can apply for a job there then!
Who needs someone fluent in 4 languages (shh Scandinavian languages count)?

I could own a multicultural & multilingual dispensary perchance :weed:
Colorado gets a lot of international tourism during the winter. You would be most valuable. :)

Maryland voted for marriage equality! I'm cryin' here! ::Brooklyn accent::


Scientia Cannabis
Colorado gets a lot of international tourism during the winter. You would be most valuable. :)

Maryland voted for marriage equality! I'm cryin' here! ::Brooklyn accent::
Just read that to move and live there legally I'd need to invest 1 million dollars or get a job.
Which is easiest atm lol? :lol:


Active Member
When is the speech of shame? Come on mitt get on with it already. Still keeping the romney legacy alive, never able to be elected to the presidental seat.



Well-Known Member
Hand it to Romney for the concession speech, quick, to the point, and seemed to be relatively positive and optimistic.

It was kind of funny when 25 people walked out after, dude is definitely a Mormon.. lol

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
And.. O'Bama won Virginia and... wait for it... ALASKA! bwahahahahahaha!!!!

Stick that up your ass, Palin.


Well-Known Member
Colorado and Washington legalized MJ, folks. I'm headed to Durango. See you tomorrow. :p
So...when's this all actually going to start "happening" in Washington?

And whereabouts would be a good, safe place for a foreigner to perhaps "peruse" the fruits of the beautiful "big ole seeds" planted yesterday?

For the first time someone travelling to the US and smoking pot will be truely contributing to your economy.



Well-Known Member
So...when's this all actually going to start "happening" in Washington?

And whereabouts would be a good, safe place for a foreigner to perhaps "peruse" the fruits of the beautiful "big ole seeds" planted yesterday?

For the first time someone travelling to the US and smoking pot will be truely contributing to your economy.

come to the portland area.

i'll hook you up first, then you can head your happy ass up to washington.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
So...when's this all actually going to start "happening" in Washington?

And whereabouts would be a good, safe place for a foreigner to perhaps "peruse" the fruits of the beautiful "big ole seeds" planted yesterday?

For the first time someone travelling to the US and smoking pot will be truely contributing to your economy.

International tourists are always welcome in Durango and they have some killer weed. I had some Alaska Thunderfuck that knocked my socks off. Low crime. Friendly folk. College town with a large hippy population. Some of the best southwest cuisine around (Franciscos). Clean air. Beautiful people. You would love it.


Well-Known Member
International tourists are always welcome in Durango and they have some killer weed. I had some Alaska Thunderfuck that knocked my socks off. Low crime. Friendly folk. College town with a large hippy population. Some of the best southwest cuisine around (Franciscos). Clean air. Beautiful people. You would love it.
don't forget the "million dollar highway" between Ouray and Silverton.

i drove that fucker once in my old, 1992 toyota corrolla. no shoulder at all and a 3,000 foot vertical drop mere inches away.

i'm glad i did it, but i would never do it again.