The Dope - Dr Greenthumb: 1 Gallon yield per bucket test grow


Well-Known Member

I've got a new line of Seed Breeder Collectables coming out later today or tomorrow:

Seed Breeders: FREAKS Of The Cannabis World

The cards will contrast the perception that society has of those kine souls afflicted with The Chronically High with the real freaks, The Breeders. The series will have a "Where's Waldo?" theme with the obviously insane breeder mixed in with normal heads.

I'm off to pick up a wire bender for a new Cyclone Training Cage I've designed for Crop Circle Of Bud stem training, it will help newbie growers to CCOB train plants with much less risk of stem breakage. I developed it because the stem of corn is so pulpy and breakable, more like a flower stem than our branchy bendy marijuana stem - no newbie grower will be able to CCOB train corn, they will kill dozens of plants trying to figure it out. The Cyclone will not only support the stem to reduce stress, eventual designs will incorporate training mechanisms to assist the grower and to hold the stem in place for training. No more tying, no need of wire or string in a village a thousand miles from a store or in our grow rooms.





The Dope just keeps getting more potent and the effects more pronounced. Beautiful.


Dr Gruber

Well-Known Member
Thats nice to hear about The Dope. I see the Doc is offering it again on his site after it sold out the first time.


Well-Known Member

Doc listened to a customer? I'm going outside to watch the pigs fly.


and his first 5 pack ! Bubba Kush femed
Better than Kali M & Bubblegum and it's not even cured !
Does the Doctor even enter those competitions ?
Seeing as your in his inner circle of trusted buyers maybe you can convince him to start selling in 5 seed packs so ordinary people can try some of his gear. Who needs 10 feminized seeds anyways ?


Well-Known Member

Good stuff jmitchell!



I've just been fucken' around with your a little bit up until now Doc, I wanted to get some quantifiable interest in your breeding through my thread before I really started to torture you. I'm going to talk with the forum folks for a bit, you go off and do whatever you fucking hippies do. I don't fucking care. Come back at the end of thread, I want to tell you how I fucked you over just incase your too slow to have caught up by now.


Hey folks, sorry about that.




Here's how you get free seed from Dr Greenthumb ... pick the beans that you want from his site, print out one of my Dr Greenthumb collectables and write on it "Hobbes says to take a bath you dirty fucking hippie!", do up your envelop, fill out your order form, get your money order then:

- Come back to this thread and post that you're all set for to place your order, your just waiting to see what 1 free seed Doc is going to give you for ordering through this thread. Mystery strain really, from the seed bucket. Free Doc G. strain with every order with a Seed Breeder Collectable.

Now ... I emailed Doc after putting up his trading card and he emailed back "Yeah. Funny stuff." and I could tell that the fucking hippie was smiling through gritted teeth - he fucking HATES being made fun of, thinned skinned fucking hippie! LOL! But he knows that this thread is going to make his some cash, and he can't come on the forum to whine under his own name, can't get to the moderators who kicked him off and I don't give a rats ass whether he comes on or not because - you are not going to place your order until he ... eventually ... will give you a free seed for 'Mystery X' strain.

And he does not want to. Like all hippies he hates to help others, even if it costs him nothing.

Wait for a bit, I'll be back in another post.


Hey Doc

I'm not sure if you can read or not but ... I pretty much own your ass in this thread so I'm going to rent it out one seed per order. Don't even worry about what kind, they won't fucking know. Just take something off the floor and throw it in a bag and call it 'Mystery X', this can be the name of any random bucket strain, most people won't be experienced enough to descern the effects anyway.

Oh yeah ... no one is going to order from you until you post in your forum "Free 'Mystery X' seed with each order accompanied by a Dr Greenthumb collectable card. Or what ever you want to put on your site. I don't want to be pushy.

Thanks for the free seeds Doc! I've done my The Dope harvest and the fun is really something now. Honestly though, you should take accept at least half the blame for how I'm going to make fun of you and hold you hostage to 'Mystery X', I wouldn't be doing this if the high wasn't so fucking fantastic. Just a phenomenal strain Doc, hats off.


You'll be OK for a couple of weeks Doc, just wait me out. I'm making up posters to circulate the internet now, telling everyone to hold their orders until they see my avatar on your site. It's to the left of this post, up a bit. I didn't bother to email you because I want this to be a real good shock. Tell me how I did. Oh yeah, you're banned.

Are you banned from all marijuana sites? I better put a "Wait For Free Dr Greenthumb Seed" thread on every forum for you, put some posters in them. Don't worry pal, I'm there for ya. My avatar is just to the left of this post. Scroll up a bit.


<<< Link >>>
Wait for Hobbe's Avatar before ordering for a . FREE SEED!



Well-Known Member

Doc you've really become part of my plan, I've got to thank you for that. I hope you have some fight in you, I'm kind of board and I see this as an exercise for the greater battle ahead. You'll be part of that too, but on my side this time instead of stumbling through a maze. The great thing about this is that I'm only going to help you, while having a great time making fun of you and furthering my battlements. Let me ask you this Doc, please think on it a bit, its a serious question:




Well-Known Member

......... Docisms

Email from Hobbes: "Doc I put the bank draft for those free The Dope seeds in the mail - thanks, incredibly potent strain!"

Email from Doc: "Hobbes you should have told me that you were sending the money, I would have given them to you half price."


I swear to fucking god. It's like he just keep feeding me straight lines!
