The cracks are showing - Qanon believer mouthed the words


Well-Known Member
Talking about the 47 million, some of them are like, “We haven’t had a war under Trump.” I think it’s a freaking miracle to be honest, but they give him credit. They tell me, more money in their pocket, no war, good enough.


Well-Known Member
What you say:

"so angry that anybody would accuse a crazy woman of a racism when they attack and accuse some random Black kid of stealing her phone without any reason whatsoever"

"hey, the Republican party is really nice and lovable. They aren't anything like what we saw on Jan 6"

Give it up. The Republican Party is the Party of Trump and they support his bloody coup attempt to overturn a fair election and murder his political enemies in Congress. Until there is a massive sea change, don't expect a pat on the back for telling us stories to make us feel good about them. Also they are racist as fuck and so is this society.


Well-Known Member
which country have you been to which isn’t racist?

Well except for the Natives (Indians to Americans).

Oh right, the Chinese on the west coast, some real Indians there also.

Then there are the French. Outside Quebec think they are a bunch of whiners.

Then inside Quebec, the French whine about the rest of Canada.

The Newfies? Heck, they make fun of themselves.
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Well-Known Member

Well except for the Natives (Indians to Americans).

Oh right, the Chinese on the west coast, some real Indians there also.

Then there are the French. Outside Quebec think they are a bunch of whiners.

Then inside Quebec, the French whine about the rest of Canada.

The Newfies? Heck, they make fun of themselves.

When you say “Canada isn’t racist, except.......” you’ve already disqualified your argument.


Well-Known Member
Talking about the 47 million, some of them are like, “We haven’t had a war under Trump.” I think it’s a freaking miracle to be honest, but they give him credit. They tell me, more money in their pocket, no war, good enough.
The cranks are showing - Qanon believer mouthed the words

There, fixed the title for you.

The Republican Party is hardening, not cracking. The next two years are going to become violent and could expand into right wing neighbor violence visited upon moderate neighbors. If you are tring to soft sell the Republican Party then you are carrying their water. If you actually think we will "just all get along" if we talked, forget it.

This, from

They interview David Neiwert, an author and expert on the far right.

I think that a lot of what has enabled the radicalization in the first place is that we have built up an incredible tolerance for sedition and insurrectionist speech ― violent speech. The tolerance for speech where they talk about overthrowing the government, where they talk about assassinating public officials, where there’s just this open advocacy of eliminating liberals and getting rid of, you know, their neighbors.

We’ve just sort of said, “oh, that’s just hot talk.” We’ve just sort of let it slide. Now that we’ve had this assault on the Capitol, people are realizing seditious speech brings about sedition

As I said in earlier replies, I hope your friend recovers from his delusions. But it's not a sign of things to come. This is what someone who knows something about these people is saying:

"I’ve never seen this level of visceral hatred ― for liberals generally, but for the media in particular ― that we’re seeing now.

History shows that what he said is true. Authoritarian followers like Trump's and Hitler's just keep getting worse unless they are checked and checked hard.

They are angry at people who voted for Biden. They are radicalized, becoming more and more violent. Many of us have them living next door. This could all end in a spasm of violence as happened in Rwanda. Or we could stop with the rosy and false idea that these people are just fringe elements and not the Republican Party. The Republican propaganda machine is selling your claims, btw. That is, they are selling that in addition to all other crap but mostly they are selling sedition.
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Well-Known Member
This could all end in a spasm of violence as happened in Rwanda. Or we could stop with the rosy and false idea that these people are just fringe elements and not the Republican Party.
Now that's some funny shit right there. Over react much?

Lol, Rwanda. This shit kills me!!


Well-Known Member
The Republican Party is hardening, not cracking. The next two years are going to become violent and could expand into right wing neighbor violence visited upon moderate neighbors.

This, from

They interview David Neiwert, an author and expert on the far right.

I think that a lot of what has enabled the radicalization in the first place is that we have built up an incredible tolerance for sedition and insurrectionist speech ― violent speech. The tolerance for speech where they talk about overthrowing the government, where they talk about assassinating public officials, where there’s just this open advocacy of eliminating liberals and getting rid of, you know, their neighbors.
"I’ve never seen this level of visceral hatred ― for liberals generally, but for the media in particular ― that we’re seeing now
. Authoritarian followers like Trump's and Hitler's just keep getting worse unless they are checked and checked hard.

They are angry at people who voted for Biden. They are radicalized, becoming more and more violent. Many of us have them living next door. This could all end in a spasm of violence as happened in Rwanda.
Hardening and cracking are related, one frequently leading to the other. As the different spin-centers condense, the whole will begin to break up, their dominant issues pulling them away from each other as their reactions to all this.

Neiwert is good, I’ve been checking him for a while, I think his grip overall is sound.

You’re right, they’re angry, but so are the rest of us.
They’re radicalized, and so are the rest of us.
And there’s more of us.