The Case For Continuing The GOP Majority.


Well-Known Member
well you pin me to the wall on every thread I answer, so untill you do one thing I ask of you, I'll not have a dialogue with you, More like the monologue you push at me on every post. You treating me like a kid really pisses me off, So I'm a couple a years younger. Whats your hat size anyway, Maybe mines larger! I know, it's the I could kick your ass thing, so what. I'll certainly not go out of my way to track you down, and who knows, you might get lucky, I've had my ass kicked before, so do away with your paranoia and relax. who knows, maybe your're wrong, and all I say is true, and it's you living in fantasy land: a place where things are not real. Worse things could happen to you, you might lose a little monetary value and gain a little humanity, who knows you could turn out to be a humanitarian and offer society help instead of rhetoric, who knows, you might be a real swell guy, who knows I might get rich overnight and become an asshole, who knows, the sun might not come up tomorrow, so mellow out and read some Carl Marx for petes sake!


New Member
Hat size? Now were into comparing hat sizes!? Shit, Bro ... you whipped out your gun collection, which is admittedly larger than mine. Now you want to compare hat sizes ... and yours is most likely larger than mine. What the F**k is next? I'm getting a little concerned! :roll:



Well-Known Member
Whip it out. I'm not going to embarrass you by posting any pictures, besides I think it's illegal. can you top 3 inches, full staff. lol.


New Member
*lol* ... man, you're talking to an Italian. :rolleyes: You haven't got a chance
in Hell.


PS: For a libbie, you have a pretty good sense of humor.


New Member
That's not what she said last night. Didn't mention "facts" at all, as a matter of fact. *lol*



New Member
Now, was that really necessary!?

Did you know that virgin wool comes from sheep that can run faster than the sheep herder?



Well-Known Member
Did you know that a gallon of Sarin nerve gas (more than enough to kill as many people as the 9/11 deaths) was found in Iraq? Don't you notice that the media don't really bring up that aspect of the "failure" anymore?

Draft must have sucked Med, but we are in a volunteer situation now, and if my taxes are paying for these "commoners" to go to college, buy their first home and make huge military bonuses than damn fuckin' straight they're gonna fight for their oath and OUR country, mine and theirs.

Remember the "Axis of Evil"? Everyone says "well see Iraq was the wrong choice, N Korea and Iran are the ones we should have gone after they have/almost have nukes!" Well the same situation could have occured if we had taken out one of the aforementioned countries instead of Iraq, as this quote will illustrate:

"Why did waste our time on North Korea, they had nothing to do with Bin Laden?!"

Cut-N-Run... Who believes in that, exactly other than Murtha? A notable force is killing infidels in the name of Islam, and a smaller number are killed due to an Occupying Oppressionist label. But far more Muslims are killing other Muslims in a fucked up inter-faith war (not really "civil" war per sé). It would be a terrible injustice to the majority of moderate Iraqis, and also be absolutely devastating to American foriegn policy to simply leave before some rational stability can be guaranteed by the Iraqi leadership / forces. We're trying to establish a relationship with this germinating country for mutually economic, security and trade interests.

War is Hell

Iran and North Korea are not technically developing Nuclear Weapons in the same sense that America has Nukes. They are using crude gun-type trigger fusion technology that was all but abandoned after Fatboy in Hiroshima. Fission is where it's at, and only the top maybe 5 nuclear powers have the advanced technology to make those. Interesting factoid: America spends more on it's military development than the next 11 (ELEVEN) countries down the line COMBINED!

We can turn Iran and North Korea into a sea of oozing green glass and be home in time for Seinfeld reruns... They just have to make the first move - which unfortunately will have to happen in order for this to be over with.


Well-Known Member
Cut and run, exactly, If we have ther ability to turn them into an oozing sea of glass, why bother fighting their war? And don't give me that G.W. line that if we don't fight them over there, we'll have to fight them over here, thats a load of political crap and you know it. I have guns and believe me when I say, if the bastards come down my street they will be confronted. The whole Iraq thing is idiotic. They were no threat to us then and had we pressed on with the inspections, we would have known for sure they had no WMDs. The whole war was instituted for corporate gain. Since Dick Cheney was chief of staff for 41, he privatized the military and all the support for them. Then went to work for the largest contractor (Halliburton), Got G.W. elected and started the most expensive war ever. If you can't see this scenario, I'd have to say, take off your rose colored glasses. This is war for profit and the (commoners) do the dying. I guess guys like you are above the call of duty, so fuck the commoners eh! Well I say " fuck off with your elitest bullshit". If you had any balls you would put on a uniform and go fight for your ideals, otherwise you're like a leech living off others blood!


Well-Known Member
You know that instead of sending our kids into the meat grinder repeatedly, the situation could be solved quickly.
Tell the people that if they do not expel the insurgents from their Provence, then we will take drastic measures.
We would not have to use any nuclear weapons. One weapon that we showcased at the beginning of the war but never used was the MOAB bomb.
It has the same strength as a small tactical nuke, but without the fallout.
If we aren't going to win there, then we need to make it a smoking hole in the ground.
Vi You know that I was against the Iraq war from the gate, and still am.
But if we are going to be involved in a war there, the fight it as a war.
You do not win wars by diplomacy, you win wars by atrocity.
In order to win a war you have to commit the greatest atrocity, The reason we didn't win Korea and Vietnam is because we were not willing to commit the ultimate atrocity.


New Member
We do not have a military draft. Every person in the military, included those in Iraq are there because they volunteered for it. When and if the majority of the American populace sees things as you guys do, and start refusing to enlist, nothing will change.

I will admit though, there are probably still some members of the military who joined up during the Clinton administration and expected the military to be nothing more than an extensioin of welfarism.


PS: Med ... If I went down to enlist, would the military accept an old fart like me? Hey, maybe I could be an enlistment recruiter. My sales skills would come in handy there, wouldn't you say?


Well-Known Member
What you don't understand Vi is that most of those who are joining the military now are doing it because they have no other alternative. Most of what is going over there now are coming from families that are poor and there is no other way out of their situation.

Your stance Vi is becoming less conservative and more authoritarian.
Go back and look at every so-called conservative president since Nixon...
They were all authoritarian.
Our government uses the fear of terrorism as a tool to gut the constitution. It has been quit effective.
I also think that the premise that the government uses to keep their agenda going is insulting to the majority of the people of this nation, but go ahead and swallow it hook, line and sinker my friend, go along with the sheeple.
All that you care is that they don't touch your bottom line. As long as people that think like you keep the status quo, they won't touch your profits...
But this administration only has 2 more years in office. The next president, be he or she, Democrat or Republican will be forced to raise taxes in order to pay for this war and fix the screw ups that the current administration has created. Sad thing is, it will make Clinton's Tax Increase look like a drop in a bucket of water. Unfortunately this administration hasn't been putting water in that bucket, they have been putting in blood in that bucket.


New Member
If our Governments are using terrorism to scare us into giving up our rights, could we not also suggest that terrorism is a creation of our governments?

New York, London, Madrid... All orchestrated by our Governments... Maximum impact, maximum fear... What if the very people behind all the major terrorist groups are the very people that claim to be it's victim.


Well-Known Member
Now you just might be on to something. Who knows, It certainly furthers their goals of dominance over us. I wouldn't put any underhanded ploy past the Bush-Cheney regime. We in the US have just lost our right to a fair and speedy trial and the loss of viewing evidence used against us (Habias Corpus). They (the Govt.) can now snatch anyone off the street and hold them without trial for as long as they want, and if you get to trial, they can present evidence against you without any coroboration (proof) and not share it with the defense, if you even get one (defense lawyer). all this in the name of protecting us from terrorists. The real terrorists are our government!


New Member
Two suggestions for you guys:

1. Seek out a mental health provider.

2. Stop smoking those pure Sativas.
